Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Big Losers

We have a family tradition. We love to gather together to watch Biggest Loser. We find ourselves shifting things around to be home just for this two hours. Most nights around here, post-dinner, we won't be snacking (minus Dad's late night bowl of cereal).  Well on Biggest Loser Night, during the first few ads, someone jumps up for an apple, yogurt, etc. We seem to be hungry while watching these people exercise. What is it? Some nights we find that we are obsessed with our snacks. This past Tuesday was one of those nights. The show began, the kids begged Philip for a snack. He asked them did they want yogurt, apple...the usual. We all started saying we wanted a "real" snack. It was the day before" pay- day" around here which means the pantry is bare. He remembered that I may have extra cookies in the freezer. He returned with a bag of cookies and icing. We all screamed no not cookies ..."We want chocolate!" He began to look for cake mix and I sent him looking for the ingredients to a chocolate chip pound cake. We all agreed that the show was 2 hours and the cake could be made in the first hour and enjoyed for the second. Why does that show cause us to be so hungry? And why do we find ourselves wanting to be so bad with our food choices? We were so excited to hear the oven timer beep...we jumped up and ran to get our plate of cake. All six of us! We are building memories as well as waist-sizes!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I am laughing that y'all get hungry while watching The Biggest Loser. I really like that show too. It is one of the very few tv shows that I watch. i actually record it and watch in every Wednesday morning while I run on the treadmill. It inspires me! :)
    Hope y'all are all doing well.
