Monday, March 28, 2011

The Gift of the Mundane

I am a stay-at-home Mom. There are days and seasons where my at home status is non-existent. I've been running in so many directions that home is the last place I am found. Then the season returns to a time where I'm home filling the job of laundry lady, home cleaner, chief financial officer, and executive chef. Some of these task can seem so mundane. I mean...didn't I just wash that, didn't I dust just yesterday and what about never ends. The thankless jobs of a Mom.

On my recent mission trip to Nicaragua I was faced daily with women who were completing the mundane so that I might have comfort. The lady that swept the floor of the hotel. She was always smiling. I got clean sheets and a freshly made bed. My room was straightened. The restaurant where we ate those ladies served with smiles. One night, when the electricity had been out for most of the day, these ladies had prepared our meal in the dark by gas heat. I was hit squarely in the eyes with the fact that I do not participate in my task with a smile many days. The rolling around of clothes washing day comes way too fast for me. I have been known to complain loudly.

On this trip though I see with new eyes. The mundane can be a gift. Something I'm called to do. After all my job is staying home to manage our family so that we can point one another to Christ. Today I will joyfully (while listening to praise music as my reminder) wash, fold and serve.

Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to new gifts that you give me. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve my family. Thank you for clothes that need cleaning and floors that need sweeping. Help me to continue to look at the everyday (the mundane) as a gift!

Gifts # 430-465
*kindness of the grocery bagger
*morning of rest
*unexpected lunch with husband
*swing dancing with my kids
*a substitute for Wynn's class
*Mom's willing to volunteer
*a party that surprises a teacher who doesn't smile often
*3 horses grazing in a random place
*a walk with a friend
*time enough to do just 1 thing
*a massage- birthday gift
*a 2nd showing of our house
*lunch with a friend
*friend's children desiring a heart for God
*a pastor who reaches out to children
*a beautiful sunny day
*remembering that I didn't have carpool until 1 hour later
*a day where time is lost
*a girl who gets her permit on the first try
*strawberry limeade runs with my daughter
*kids and hubby excited about church camp
*house full of laughing teenagers
*a sisters birthday
*waking to the sound of rain
*ache free morning-joy comes in the morning
*hot pancakes
*a little girl afraid of storms sleeping through them at camp
*a 3 year old friend turning 4 and excited we celebrate together
*laughter while shopping
*time for friends to safely gather
*kids who think of others
*small group and learning together
*a fun and learning weekend for small kids and Dad
*family who steps in to help clean
*house showing again
*a new vacuum
*everyone home together

Friday, March 25, 2011

Life Was Easier When...

It seems like just yesterday that Mary Katherine and Sarah were 1 and 2. I thought life was hard with girls 13 months apart. I'm realizing now 15 years later that it was easier. We celebrated all those years ago each step, word, and accomplishment. Don't get me wrong, we still celebrate, but it seems harder.

Today I took Sarah for her driving permit test. (she passed!)  Mary Katherine has officially been on the road (ALONE) for a month. I said out loud today that this is just hard. They are growing up so fast. I don't really encourage the accomplishments anymore. As a mother, you must know what I mean. I do celebrate my children (all 4), but seriously, a drivers license leads to driving places...driving leads to junior and sophomore years....which leads to See it is so hard to celebrate the accomplishments. They are harder to face.

I remember when they were small and a certain husband (who will remain unnamed to protect his manhood-my favorite part about him), would cry as they reached a milestone. I was the tough one. I announced that it was our job to raise them and send them out. Well, roles are reversing. I'm kicking and screaming with all of this. Stop the is moving too fast. I really do think that life was much easier back when I could place them in the floor and there they stayed until I returned.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fresh Water

This journey to fresh water began four years ago.  Missionaries from our church Rick and Mary Ervin had just left our church to move to Nicaragua. At age 5 each of our children had been taught through church by Rick and Mary. The year they left  it was time to teach Wynn so she had a heart for them.

Each night at dinner, she began to pray for them ( and still does).  Soon after they had left for Nicaragua, Wynn began to pray for fresh water. Her prayer at dinner was..."Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for our food. Be with Rick and Mary. And for fresh water." She prayed for what other concerns might come to her.  Each day the prayer for fresh water.

Rick and Mary returned home for a visit. I asked her about the water situation, and she said the water wasn't good unless filtered. I was overwhelmed to think that God had placed a need in her heart for something that others-people that she didn't even know. For goodness sake, this baby was 5.

Fast forward 4 years, our dinner time prayer still consist of ...thanks for the day, the food, blessings on Rick and Mary and for fresh water. Some nights it seems that dinner might get cold based on the needs she has heard about all day (friends who are adopting, or sick, etc).

Back in the Fall, plans for a Spring Break mission trip to Nicaragua began to surface. Mary Katherine and Sarah wanted to go. I had been praying and felt God place this on my heart to go as well. We planned and prayed. The time for our journey approached ....

This week was Spring Break. Mary Katherine, Sarah and I traveled with some of our youth to La Dalia, Nicaragua.  Our job was to work in a rehab facility meeting with the children and women. Our eyes were opened to a whole new world. One that is much different than ours.  This was a journey to fresh water.

The people we encountered do not know about the need for fresh water. They drink, bathe, cook with water that is contaminated. The people we saw in the clinic were treated for diseases from parasites. The bathroom at the rehab was an outhouse.

One night in our group sharing I realized ...fresh water. I had seen what my child had prayed for. I had lived for a week in a place where I made sure I had bottled water for drinking and brushing my teeth. I wrote in my 1000 gifts list ...fresh water. The reality of it all was overwhelming. My journey to this fresh water had begun four years before with a five year old girl whom the Lord speaks to. I am truly grateful for fresh water and the people of Nicaragua.  I am also grateful for a little girl whom the Lord uses to teach me.

Gifts # 296-429 ( a long list)
* sound of gentle rain on the window
* memories of a Grandmother on her birthday
*a morning walk in the cool breeze
* sunshine that overcomes the darkest of days
* a town of dead trees coming to life with white pear blooms
* a daughter's diligent work paying off in her ACT score
* freckled faced boys who still find joy in Nerf guns
* friends who in their grief help ones find healing
* kids laughter first thing in the morning
* seeing tiny arms and legs wiggle on an ultrasound screen
*seeing joy on the face of an expectant mom as she sees her baby for the first time
* sharing in good news with friends
* a gift that will make the birthday boy smile
* the almost 11 year old who still excitedly plans every detail of the party
* news from the doctor that makes you stop and think - realizing God is in charge
* grateful for tears that finally come out
* pink and purple sunset outside my dinnertime window
* little girls who make Philip and I smile
* a wonderful family
* baking with my son who ask lots of questions
* 42 years of life
* Trippe's 11 years of life
* helpful teenagers
* gaining of more time to get it all done
* medication that can correct what bad genes might could do- extension of life
* many well wishes from friends
* lunch with a confident 11 year old birthday boy
* pay day
* extra time to get it all done
* time of renewal
* laughter with friends
* a patient man
* new wisdom about a new culture
* laughter of kids and grandmother
* news of new babies
* friends who help you continue to celebrate birthdays
* friends who share a heart for missions
* a great day to worship
* a fun boys birthday party
* great discussion at small group
* coffee and blankets on cold mornings
* wedding plans for a patient, deserving young lady
* a quiet day at home
* financial commitments to our mission trip
* watching ducks sleep so oddly
* friends who share burdens
* naps of refreshing
* warmth of a blanket
* your word that brings refreshment
*the birth of our Sarah- her joyful 15 years of life
* seeing teen friends laugh and enjoy themselves
* a night free of cooking
* hearing a girl be excited about her plans with her Dad for Spring Break
* a husband who lives life and loves it
* after a big rain seeing nature nurture itself
* quiet time alone with God
* a day to find order and cleanliness
* videos that show my kids a grandfather they never knew
* friends who support and pray for you
* smells of a clean house
* energy to clean and wash
* the right mind to write notes of thanks and encouragement
* teachers who love to help children learn
* the tradition of the birthday banner and cards on the mantel
* Japan placed in the heart of a friend before a natural disaster
* encouragement from a friend about mission talk
* supportive husband who has a heart for missions
* last day of classes before spring break
* the sun and breeze that makes it feel like spring break is beginning
* smell of crisp, new dollar bills
* Philip getting off work early today
* hugs from little girls who will miss their Mama
* quiet time to read and prepare
* suitcases that zip
* girls excited to spend spring break on a mission trip
* getting to wake up and serve
* watching the faces of my girl who have never traveled by airplane
* like-minded mothers
* well wishes of airline workers- "praise Jesus"
* movies on airplanes that remind me of the 2 kids at home
* notes from a  Mother who wants to encourage
* husbands songs on playlist to remind me of us
* tears from a little girl who aches for the country that I'm headed too
* a good nights sleep
* waking up to new sounds of birds and roosters
*a day talking with women who share hurt, pain, struggles and a love for Jesus
* understanding a language I can't speak
* seeing God move in heart of people when I can't understand their words
* helping the sick
* seeing our youth see God in a new way
*seeing beautiful mountains
*songs of praise in any language
* smiles of children who have so little
* delicious meal
* clean water
* Wynn's heart for praying for this country as they need her answers
* seeing Jesus in the faces of the Nicaraguan people
* the children who joyfully greet us each day
* a man who gets relief from a bad tooth
* a doctor/dad who loves Jesus and his kids enough to share them
*rain that would cool us
* time to laugh with kids who otherwise wouldn't interact
* quiet time to pull my thoughts together
* a passionate ending worship
* time to help others in the clinic
* conversation about ministry with Mary
* clean bathrooms and paper at home
* seeing kids get teh purpose of why we were there
* seeing MK and SG making a connection with people
* a bus ride without being sick
* a day of shopping in the market with my girls
* translators who seem to let us ask as many questions as we wanted
*a good talk with a new found friend
* a bed to myself
* girls who follow the rules -respect the leader
* hot shower
* seeing the passion on a college students face about missions
* pizza for dinner
* new friendships with translators
* a home with electricity that works
* the beautiful lush resort
* hot breakfast
* warm sunshine
* safe exit from the area
* electricity that stays on
* laughter with friends
* Rick and Mary's passion
* getting back up the mountain from the waterfall
* making it on a mission trip when my body was so tired
* being home
* my family
* time to rest
* a quick nap
* first day of spring
* a husband who makes life fun for our kids