Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Joy in Sharing...and a NEW product!

The youngest in the family is usually known for getting their fair share of hand-me downs. Not that I know this fact for myself as I am the lucky oldest, but I  have heard the rumors. When we found ourselves in graduate school with baby daughters just 13 months apart, we survived by using and re-using the girls clothes.

As the girls got older, our second daughter took full advantage of "sharing" while begging for new outfits. I said often that she always had the most clothes because she truly hated hand-me-downs. (Today she is my "fashion-ista" that we all ask for advice as we shop and dress).

Our third child arrived and he wouldn't have looked great in pink, floral and bowed outfits so I packed those goodies up and gave them to friends who had just adopted a daughter. Our caboose had arrived so it was safe to pass along our wealth of frilly frocks.

Two years pass and our precious tribe of three would be greeted by a new baby sister-SURPRISE! Those sweet friends whom we loaned all of our girl clothes to had passed them on to another friend. Before we knew it, bags of clothes found their way back to our doorstep.

One would think that the baby would be spoiled and never accept such re worn attire, but our baby girl loves to find bags on her door step. It would become like Christmas morning when "her" bags arrived. She would try on every item as if it were her own personal shopping spree at Macy's.

As I reflect on her eagerness to open bags of worn, used and sometimes stained clothes then put them on to wear with pride, I think of Jesus. Isn't that what He does for us?

He takes the worn - used- sometimes stained- puts it on Himself and is so proud to display us for all to see. We are made new. We are REDEEMED by His precious blood.

DaySpring has created this great new line of products to remind us of our Redeemer-Jesus. The Redeemed products offer many items that communicate Christ redemptive love for us. Check them out here.

I received products by DaySpring to review for this post. Thanks DaySpring for helping me spread the word of God's redemptive love.