Monday, January 21, 2013

Hello Morning Challenge

Mornings. I loved mornings when I was younger. (Even in college I was known to wake early & have a quiet time.) After having four sweet children & hours of sleep lost, I have gotten to the place that mornings aren't my friend. I have fibromyalgia so it is easy to have days that I can't get up. What I found in allowing that to rule my days for awhile I realized that I was missing something. See when I didn't get up early several things had to go so that I could get to the things that "must" be done.  One of those things was my Bible & prayer time.

I found a group to help me overcome the cycle that I had allowed into my morning routine. Welcome Hello Mornings! After a year or more of participating in a group via Twitter, I decided to really jump in as an Accountability Captain (AC). I lead my first group-my #HMCCT ladies- in the Fall. I have been blessed in my quiet time and study with the Lord, but also in the encouragement and support of these ladies.

It is time to begin a new session. The Winter group begins January 28. There are many groups-different time zones & countries. Check out the info about the Hello Mornings Challenge.  I would love to have you with the #HMCCT group on twitter.

We will be studying Abounding Hope written by Katie Orr &Lara Williams. I have done several studies by these ladies and have grown in my view of the word  & the message for me. It is a study that you can do in a short time each morning or take deeper if you are ready. No one is required to do the study, but it gets you in the word each day then you have a group with whom to share your insights.

Now I know what you might be thinking, if I am not a morning person how on earth would I ever magically begin. That is where the group comes in to play. We set goals, share them & offer encouragement to get each other there. Some get there easier than others, but the best part is the GRACE offered from a group of like-minded Christian women.

Won't you check out the website? See if you want to join us in Waking Up to God instead of our Routines!

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