Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My 1000 Gifts List

I have been reading for a while now a blog by a wonderful writer from Canada. Ann Voskamp writes on the I must say her writing has drawn me to think about my relationship with Christ in a deeper way.  I will say that it has challenged me at times to think outside my little faith box. I have been blessed, changed and moved by these post. For a while now, Ann has shared her challenge to make a list of 1000 gifts that God has given her. I have read not from the beginning so have awed at the "little" things that she finds shear joy in. I tell you I'm stretched beyond myself may Mondays as I read these post. Recently Ann (see how I use her name like I know her, I've read so much & she opens her heart that you feel like you do know her) has published her book, 1000 Gifts.

 I had anticipated its arrival, and finally a week ago my package came. I was so excited to jump into finding joy through gratitude. I had been writing my list for a week before my book arrive. I just knew that I would read the book in one sitting. I must say that Ann's writings make me think so much that I've had to digest know like you would a good meal. I can't just hurry through. I do not want to miss the message that God is giving me about my gratitude towards Him. Each Monday, I plan to update my list. I began my list making on January 14, 2011. I almost to 100 now so this first post will be long .So I begin my journey to 1000 Gifts.

1. God's word to me.
2. A wonderful family.
3. The smile of a friend's baby
4. A snow day with the family
5. A cup of morning coffee
6. A husband who is growing-spiritually
7. Conversations that make you laugh (on the way to school)
8. The shocking kiss from my 8 year old every morning before she gets out of the car
9. Afternoon piano practice
10. Weekends with my family
11. Slow Saturday mornings
12. Giggle of little girls
13. The growing faith of a Sister
14. A husband who makes the best pancakes
15. Quiet time to read a good book.
16. Sunday lunch with family
17. Quite Sunday afternoons
18. Teenagers who think about serving when I forget
19. Voices of cooperation on school projects
20. Worship music
21. A day at home with the kids
22. Unexpected lunch with family
23. Uncontrolled laughter of an 8 year old girl
24. The playing of piano by a child who loves it.
25. Worshipful music on XM radio
26. Songs that remind me to be grateful for my marriage
27. Kids who could go out with friends for dinner but invite them here instead
28. Time with family and Wii games
29.Kids  who pitch in to clean house for an unexpected showing
30. The unconditional love of a dog
31. Seeing a 13 week old baby move in utero & opening its mouth
32. Joy on a Mom's face as she sees her baby for the first time.
33. A warm blanket on a rainy day
34. A husband who know my needs before they are even spoken
35. Wool socks
36. Good health reports from Mom's Dr checkup
37. Books that help me see God's word a little more clearly.
38. Good report at the Dr.
39. New answers to medical questions
40. The arrival of my 1000 Gifts book
41. Soup in the freezer when cooking seems to be a challenge
42. Quiet time for a Mom's soul
43. Seeing a friend in unexpected places
44. Friends who partner with you in parenting
45. Warm cake
46. Loud laughter from family game night
47. A big hug to push away the negatives of a child's day
48. A gentle morning hug
49. Lunch with a friend
50. The smell of a green apple candle burning
51. A husband who normally carries the clothes basket for my weary arms.
52. Lunch at a place where they know what I like to eat
53.A teachers kind words about your child.
54. Ability to unexpectedly hug a sad friend
55. Energy to buy groceries
56. The sun shining
57. Beautiful sunset -pink, blue, yellow
58. Teenagers going to family movie night
59. Family movie night with friends, their kids and new friends
60. A large full moon to guide us home
61. Hugs from  little girls
62. The excitement of friends leaving to adopt their first child
63. A large group of families showing up at church for movie night- YAY FAMILY!
64. Smell of bacon and pancakes
65. Hubby and little ones (10 & 8) cooking together
66. Slower weekends
67. A little girls invitation to spend the night
68. Seeing a little sister's love for older one through drawing
69. The smile from the oldest when she is with friends
70. Shopping with a child who sees it as a gift.
71. Worship words that direct me to YOU
72.A time of cleaning closets to make room
73. Godly teens who keep you focused on "mission"
74. My husbands passionate direction for our family
75. Your words aptly spoken through Pastor
76. Kind words from a child who's home is broken and turned upside down
77. Weather warmer so kids play outside and laugh
78. 16 years of life in our oldest
79. The smell of balloons-birthday season begins
80. The sun peeking through the rain clouds
81. Reminders of a Dad who is loved and missed greatly
82.God's story unfolding like a map
83. The ability to speak grace and hope to a hurting friend
84. The missing smile returning to a 16 year old
85. Friends from all walks gather to celebrate
86. Sweet baby talk
87. Little hands that discover
88. A time of rest
89. Gentle sounds of rain
90. Smell of yeast rising dough
91. The reminder from a friend of prayer for my health
92. Family dinner with the Rambos
93. A fresh shower
94. Answered prayers for a friend
95. Alone time
96. A warm cup of coffee in hand
97. Sunshine after rain.

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