Monday, April 25, 2011

Continuing My Count

Our week has been so busy. This time of year seems overwhelming with activity. I stop to write my list so I can continue my count.

Gifts List # 596-653
Sound of wind blowing through the trees
smells of Spring
cool breeze during my walk
air conditioner and radio in van
words that point you to your mission
muscles that work even when they feel they won't

unexpected lunch with Philip
teens who love to go to church with friends
seeing good friend at lunch
a friend seeing prayer for child-the opportunity to intercede

smell of strawberry cake baking
anticipation of a road trip
3 Bible study friends who are honest and open
friends anxious for our visit
secreat surprises for kids
a husband who drive
stopping hald way over night for rest

a lift in rain
medicine that relieves mirgraines
a good outcome for child's surgery-no side effects from anesthesia
weekends/holidays with friends
hearing my 9 year old sing praise songs passionately
a Mom, Dad and baby girl sitting on the porch waiting for our arrival
a baby girl in her Big Sister shirt
the growing belly of the Mama-new life
Good Friday & Communion service at home that reflects the importance of the cross
talk with family about Scripture & tradition-letting them see why
sirens that warn of severe weather
getting back to sleep after hanging out in the bathroom
our safety in the storms all around us

fresh made donuts
breakfast with a sweet baby girl
33rd bday celebrations
laughter of a room full of "family"
gut-laughs of a baby girl
the arrival of an old friend
picnic lunches at "high bridge"
egg games
word games that bring lots of laughter

an Easter worship celebration to remember
seeing joyful faces on baptism video
enjoying lunch with no dishes
Easter pictures that are an annual event
egg hunting fun
seeing how Spring is delayed -leaves and flowers just now budding in KY
a "quick" drive home
home in my chair with my heating pad

seeing my sweet dog happy for our return
a good morning walk seeing Spring everywhere
to know sons tooth problem is a baby tooth that will come out soon
hearing that my "big" 11 year old son still has 12 baby teeth -at least one thing is still baby about him
house showing again-knowing the process will lead to our actual selling
husband grilling tenderloin
seeing a wonderful friend at the ball field
ability to pray for our coach
a good talk with MK about Bible, beliefs, etc.
a wonderful dinner
Philip seeing need to engage in parenting and doing it

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Living the Easter Sunday Life

I had written and signed Easter cards to Mama and some friends. I headed to the post office for mailing. I ran inside to see if they had any pretty stamps for Easter. The man, who I usually joke with, said yes he had some that looked like Easter eggs. I said "sure" I would take them thinking this was my only option. He began sticking "Celebrate" stamps on my notes. Next he blurted out "What is Easter for anyway?"

I live in the "Bible Belt" so for a minute the question caught me off guard. I looked at him and said, "Well, (I felt like I was stammering) it is about Jesus death and resurrection." He began a small tirade (common for him on most topics) about why all the eggs and bunnies and stuff.

I paid and left my mail. The conversation left me pondering. Easter is my favortie time. I love Spring in general... New life, hope born. To me eggs, bunnies, baskets, and fuzzy ducklings, they do help me think about Jesus and His new life given to me.

 How do I communicate that with others? Am I caught up in the commercialism of a holiday? Do people only see the shiny new outfit on the outside, but no "new life" on the inside?
I so hope that my life reflects an Easter Sunday living-new life, new hope and celebration!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week Reflections and a Thankful Heart


















As I reflect today about Holy Week...  palm branches waving, shouts of "Hosana", last supper, betrayal, mockery, lies, rejection, beatings, scars, crosses, innocent blood shed...I write these words above. I am humbled that Jesus, an innocent man took on my sins. He wore them in His crown of thorns, felt them in every beat of the whip, and He stayed there anyway. He did it so that I might have FREEDOM from those sins. A life of HOPE! For these acts- this week- I am most THANKFUL!

Counting my Gifts...# 554- 592
showers that wash me clean & give me reflections of redemption
quiet God time

Seeing new life growing
excitement on parents faces as they see new life
a  child (teen) who sees the value of life even when a parent doesn't
the faith of a couple whose husband lost his job-trusting God to be faithful
faith of a couple to trust God in cancer for  healing

a friend willing to help children in math
60% school days
lunch with Philip and younger children
safe travel for older girls
girls choir receiving good rating in competition
house showing again

Bible study with friends who can be open and real
honesty and healing with friends
time with Sarah to talk
laughter with family

shelter in rain storm
lunch with Leeann
a service project MK loves to work with each year
early to bed
Philip taking kids to swim -memories with Dad
Wynn finally having spend the night company

Trippe winning his race
a sunny, cool day
a friend coming home
shopping with family
Wynn painting of a horse
medicine to stop the cough

good night's sleep
a new dress
a good word brought by Will-pointing me to look deep within
lunch with good friends
chocolate pie
a clean house
breakfast for dinner
laughing until my stomach hurts
 goodnight kisses

a doctor who helps and points you in a right direction
warmed  cherry pits that relieve neck pain
time alone in the word
an instructor gracious to let your child go when it is time to move on
a new chauffer
shrimp, corn and potatoes boiled for dinner

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One of the Hardest Jobs

One of the hardest jobs has been to parent. I worked outside the home for several years. By far this is the toughest and most rewarding job that I've had. I actually spend time and money trying to learn how to be a more effective parent. I look at it, and realize how far short I fail. I look back to days of babies and young children and see where I missed out. I was not the best Mom or the funnest. No excuses, but I think those were some of fibromyalgia's early days in my life. I feel like I was growing in my faith and not quite as prepared as I thought. Are we ever totally prepared?

The most challenging to date has been  parenting teenagers. It  flat out hurts at times. Their words and attitudes cut you so deep. It takes away all you've been trying to accomplish for those 13 plus years.

Sometimes I look up and wonder where I've gone wrong. I realize that parenting good kids (that is what we have) is so HARD.  I can't fathom parenting bad ones.

The only thing that I can say is it draws me to my knees. I am at the foot of the Cross begging constantly for my children.

So I guess, in the land of parenting it can be good to have teenagers-if it draws me closer to Jesus.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coming Clean

This morning was a little different than my normal. After dropping the kids at school, I had to have fasting blood work drawn. This put my walk with my "walking friend" off about 30 minutes. I called her, post my "donation" to the dr, and told her I was almost to the park. We started our catching up  walk when her hubby called. He had left something at home and needed her to meet him half way with the left item. We turned around and joyfully met him. ( ok it was no sweat off of me because I just had a pile of clothes to friend on the other hand wasn't so joyful)

After all of the delay we got our walk and talk on again. It was warm today. We are expecting bad weather about lunch time so the wind was blowing so fast which helped with the unbearable heat. Now I know that I was complaining what seemed like just yesterday how cold I was, but it is April for goodness sake. About 45 minutes later, we were done. We had definately gotten our sweat on!

I got in the car, and was thinking through my day. I knew my busy weekend had left me not reading my daily Bible reading. I decided what a better way to spend my time between loads of dirty laundry and catching up on God's word. I got home and changed over the first loads that had washed while I was out. I began to realize how hot and stinky I really was. I felt just dirty. I usually can sit after walking, and read God's word or check in on some blogs, but today I felt plain old DIRTY.

I decided to shower first. I put on some praise music before hopping in the hot shower. As I let the water wash over me I couldn't help, but think about that is what God was wanting to do through His word today . I stood and let the water flow, listened to the song playing, and anticipated the sweet time I would spend with the Lord.

The dirty laundry, my dirty outside, my dirty inside...all would become clean with a mere washing. Praise Jesus for the washing of the blood of the Lamb. I could only thank Him for His redemption in that. I read about Joshua and carrying the ark of covenant through the Jordan River. The placing of the Stones of Rememberance. I place these words today as a rememberance of the Grace the flows down over my life today making me clean...white as snow.

1000 Gifts List # 500- 553
* all the coloring popping out all over town
* situations that lead me to Scripture for answers and hope
* a friend to share real concerns with and not be judged
* dinner with everyone
* sound of kids playing Yatzee
* a husband willing to mop
* a 9 year old proud she cleaned the kitchen
* watching basketball games in bed with my hubby
* days where I don't have morning carpool duty
* news of a community gathering for support of principal and schools
* a friend eager to share burdens
* heat on a hurting body
* joyful notes from a kind-hearted lady
* a cloudless day after a stormy one
* sun shining in the window
* the cool breeze blowing
* praise songs that lift my heart to Christ
* scared girs who chose life for their babies after an ultrasound
* 100's gathering to voice their opinions and  making a difference
* dinner with my husband- a surprise date night
* teenagers who take responsibility
* ducks and egg laying
* freinds who celebrate the passing of their grandmother
* spring decorations- eggs, bunnies, crosses-pointing us to Easter
* sunny days with gentle breezes
* relaxing dinner with friends
* laughter that brings healing to a friend on a sad day
* giggles of little girls
* friends you can be real with
* Bible study with "old" girlfriends
* shun shining on the pond
* restoring walk alone
* seeing teachers who once inspired older girls
* a husband who can comfort a friend whose child broke their nose
* time at the end of a busy day to sit and reflect
* a day to shop
* preparing camping food for excited boys
* look on a greiving friend's face when teen girls show up to honor her grandmother's life
* look on MK's face as she tried on her Easter dress- as she felt pretty- I bought the dress!
* knowning your oldest gets the importance of comforting an adult friend
* conversations with my girls
* Mom and daughter conference-the fact that they all went
* singing worship songs early with my daughters
* hearing God's encouragaing words for a mother
* dinner date with Wynn
* energy to enjoy time with Wynn even when it seemed gone
* hearing God's word through an old friend
* time to rest
* Trippe's team winning-success seen after hard work
* Sarah pouring Jesus into the lives of her friends
* boys having a good camping/soccer weekend
* a friend "getting it"- what God is working in her life
* prayer request from a friend for someone who made an impact in my life-they are family and both have made an impact on me- God's plan is supreme
* Philip being home- I missed talking to him
* text reminder to read James
* new heart for  good lady- answered prayer
* gift of new life given in death

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unplanned Frienship

Last year, my pastor asked for volunteers from a weekly men's leadership group. This wasn't really then men he was asking to help, but their wives. My dear, sweet husband eagerly heard the request and thought maybe I would love to volunteer. The job was mentoring a women in our church. I felt so unqualified. (no don't go telling me about God's gifts,and all that-my husband did already). I quickly told him never to volunteer my name again.

I then began to pray and consult wise counsel. (a woman in another church community that mentors women). I felt so out of touch with this woman. Our connection was we knew one another from childhood. We were raised differently, we lived differently and I just assumed that I would never have a thing in common with her. (not a better than...just a different) Before I even prayed  much about this, this woman called. See that is her personality...Do it! We planned lunch. I prayed and called my wise friend. Both of these were leading me to pursue this relationship. Our lunch came and we enjoyed each other so that we planned another lunch.

It is almost a year and a half later, I should be getting dressed because it is time for lunch with my mentoring friend. See God's plan is so much bigger than we can even realize. My new friend is very different from me, but also we are very much a like. We are both hungering for  a deeper relationship with God. We both long to have families who love Him more. What a blessing!

Our families have even become closer. Her children are younger than ours, but we enjoy one anothers company. They have become like family.  Our Daddy's were best friends; though mine has gone on to Heaven, I realize what God began years ago is still working out in our lives.

I am so grateful for a God who sees beyond my finite mind. A God who knows me better than I know myself. A God who was, who is and who is yet to be! A God who longs to draw us toward Himself through friendship. Thank you, God, for unplanned friendship!

Gifts List # 466-499
*joy of folding/washing clothes for family
*quietness of Mondays
* rain that cancels one activity so less running
*beauty of flowers blooming
*quiet time with God
*girls who seek help and the opportunity to provide it
*kids who voice their opinions
*Godly Principals
*family dinner at home
*new mulch and flowers
*lunch with a new friend who encourages
* opportunity to help kids who need it
*new Bible study with old friends
*opportunity to help my sister
*time with niece and nephew
*a husband who will drive after work to get my niece and nephew
*new tires
*brother-in-law whose heart is OK
*lunch with Wynn and cousins
*opportunity to pour love and Jesus into niece and nephew
*time at the park
*husband who takes kids for fun-indoor swimming
*a day with friends and kids outside
*time for us while Dad is working- that is distracted and busy
*returning niece and nephew safely
* time with kids watching basketball
* sleeping late
*time alone with Philip
*hope in message at church
*kids enjoying time outside with each other
*small group and lessons that make us think and grow
*Drs. who go the extra mile when they don't have to