Monday, April 11, 2011

Coming Clean

This morning was a little different than my normal. After dropping the kids at school, I had to have fasting blood work drawn. This put my walk with my "walking friend" off about 30 minutes. I called her, post my "donation" to the dr, and told her I was almost to the park. We started our catching up  walk when her hubby called. He had left something at home and needed her to meet him half way with the left item. We turned around and joyfully met him. ( ok it was no sweat off of me because I just had a pile of clothes to friend on the other hand wasn't so joyful)

After all of the delay we got our walk and talk on again. It was warm today. We are expecting bad weather about lunch time so the wind was blowing so fast which helped with the unbearable heat. Now I know that I was complaining what seemed like just yesterday how cold I was, but it is April for goodness sake. About 45 minutes later, we were done. We had definately gotten our sweat on!

I got in the car, and was thinking through my day. I knew my busy weekend had left me not reading my daily Bible reading. I decided what a better way to spend my time between loads of dirty laundry and catching up on God's word. I got home and changed over the first loads that had washed while I was out. I began to realize how hot and stinky I really was. I felt just dirty. I usually can sit after walking, and read God's word or check in on some blogs, but today I felt plain old DIRTY.

I decided to shower first. I put on some praise music before hopping in the hot shower. As I let the water wash over me I couldn't help, but think about that is what God was wanting to do through His word today . I stood and let the water flow, listened to the song playing, and anticipated the sweet time I would spend with the Lord.

The dirty laundry, my dirty outside, my dirty inside...all would become clean with a mere washing. Praise Jesus for the washing of the blood of the Lamb. I could only thank Him for His redemption in that. I read about Joshua and carrying the ark of covenant through the Jordan River. The placing of the Stones of Rememberance. I place these words today as a rememberance of the Grace the flows down over my life today making me clean...white as snow.

1000 Gifts List # 500- 553
* all the coloring popping out all over town
* situations that lead me to Scripture for answers and hope
* a friend to share real concerns with and not be judged
* dinner with everyone
* sound of kids playing Yatzee
* a husband willing to mop
* a 9 year old proud she cleaned the kitchen
* watching basketball games in bed with my hubby
* days where I don't have morning carpool duty
* news of a community gathering for support of principal and schools
* a friend eager to share burdens
* heat on a hurting body
* joyful notes from a kind-hearted lady
* a cloudless day after a stormy one
* sun shining in the window
* the cool breeze blowing
* praise songs that lift my heart to Christ
* scared girs who chose life for their babies after an ultrasound
* 100's gathering to voice their opinions and  making a difference
* dinner with my husband- a surprise date night
* teenagers who take responsibility
* ducks and egg laying
* freinds who celebrate the passing of their grandmother
* spring decorations- eggs, bunnies, crosses-pointing us to Easter
* sunny days with gentle breezes
* relaxing dinner with friends
* laughter that brings healing to a friend on a sad day
* giggles of little girls
* friends you can be real with
* Bible study with "old" girlfriends
* shun shining on the pond
* restoring walk alone
* seeing teachers who once inspired older girls
* a husband who can comfort a friend whose child broke their nose
* time at the end of a busy day to sit and reflect
* a day to shop
* preparing camping food for excited boys
* look on a greiving friend's face when teen girls show up to honor her grandmother's life
* look on MK's face as she tried on her Easter dress- as she felt pretty- I bought the dress!
* knowning your oldest gets the importance of comforting an adult friend
* conversations with my girls
* Mom and daughter conference-the fact that they all went
* singing worship songs early with my daughters
* hearing God's encouragaing words for a mother
* dinner date with Wynn
* energy to enjoy time with Wynn even when it seemed gone
* hearing God's word through an old friend
* time to rest
* Trippe's team winning-success seen after hard work
* Sarah pouring Jesus into the lives of her friends
* boys having a good camping/soccer weekend
* a friend "getting it"- what God is working in her life
* prayer request from a friend for someone who made an impact in my life-they are family and both have made an impact on me- God's plan is supreme
* Philip being home- I missed talking to him
* text reminder to read James
* new heart for  good lady- answered prayer
* gift of new life given in death

1 comment:

  1. Love Yatzee! Yay for husbands who mop! :) How wonderful to see a friend 'get it'. Such a great list of gifts! Thank you for sharing!
