Monday, January 2, 2012

Journey 2012

It is a New Year, 2012! I have been praying about and dwelling in several things to grow me this upcoming year. First, I have noticed several "bloggy" friends focus on one word for their year. I have decided to jump onto that bandwagon. My word for the year (cue the drum roll, please!) is ABIDE. I have spent the last few months hearing God speak this word to me. I plan to study, embrace and better understand the word and its impact on my life.

Second, challenge that I'm taking up is one offered to us in church yesterday. I had finished reading the Bible through in a year back in October. I had purchased a new One Year Chronological Bible thinking that I would jump right back into reading. Recommendation, is to not begin a chronological study in the middle-Common Sense runs deep in my family! Our challenge in church was to read more of God's word this year-whatever that might look like for you. (read a chapter, a book, a chunk, or the whole Bible I had been asking Philip about reading through the Bible in 90 days and then I remembered my Chronological Bible. Yesterday, I jumped back into my chronological study. I must admit that beginning with Adam and Eve was so much easier. (again this is Day 2 and all so I know that I sound like I've climbed Mt Everest).

Third, is a challenge that I began several weeks ago, but never stopped to blog about it. I am Hiding God's Word by memorizing Romans 8. This has been a bit of a challenge over the holidays. I have had a few wordy verses that are bogging me down. I have taken some of the hints and found them to be helpful. I am excited to be on this journey. I had spent several years with Beth Moore and her Scripture Memory plan. (2 verses per month/24 in a year). I can't wait to see a whole chapter complete in my heart!

I can't say this is really a challenge for the year, but it is something God is showing me so I want to document it. I have been feeling for awhile now that God was preparing me for something big. I mentioned before that I felt maybe our Spring Youth Mission Trip to Nicaragua was it. My first out of the country mission so I thought God was certain to let that be my BIG thing. Well, March came and went. Although it was impactful, I still have the sense of God's BIG preparation still happening. Well, I opened the book, Interrupted, by Jen Hatmaker and I sensed that God has been scheming for a while now. (again my common sense at work).  I see a pattern, a thread, a little clearing in the sky where He is writing. I can't see fully, but I know with abiding, reading and hiding I will understand more and more.

I am ready to dive in to 2012. I hope to capture the journey here.


  1. Abide. A great word.

    I long to remain as well!

    I've tried the chronological plan as well. Loved it.

    Happy New Year, Sallie! Thanks for linking up!

  2. Glad you're on the Romans 8 journey too. I hope I'm growing from being in the chapter, even those my memorization isn't too great so far. ;-)

    I love your choice of words, too. Abide is a wonderful focus!

  3. God too spoke the word "Abide" to me a couple of weeks ago. I will be posting soon on what He has already revealed to me about abiding.

  4. Stopping by from the Hide His Word link-up. It's going to be a great year!
