Monday, March 28, 2011

The Gift of the Mundane

I am a stay-at-home Mom. There are days and seasons where my at home status is non-existent. I've been running in so many directions that home is the last place I am found. Then the season returns to a time where I'm home filling the job of laundry lady, home cleaner, chief financial officer, and executive chef. Some of these task can seem so mundane. I mean...didn't I just wash that, didn't I dust just yesterday and what about never ends. The thankless jobs of a Mom.

On my recent mission trip to Nicaragua I was faced daily with women who were completing the mundane so that I might have comfort. The lady that swept the floor of the hotel. She was always smiling. I got clean sheets and a freshly made bed. My room was straightened. The restaurant where we ate those ladies served with smiles. One night, when the electricity had been out for most of the day, these ladies had prepared our meal in the dark by gas heat. I was hit squarely in the eyes with the fact that I do not participate in my task with a smile many days. The rolling around of clothes washing day comes way too fast for me. I have been known to complain loudly.

On this trip though I see with new eyes. The mundane can be a gift. Something I'm called to do. After all my job is staying home to manage our family so that we can point one another to Christ. Today I will joyfully (while listening to praise music as my reminder) wash, fold and serve.

Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to new gifts that you give me. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve my family. Thank you for clothes that need cleaning and floors that need sweeping. Help me to continue to look at the everyday (the mundane) as a gift!

Gifts # 430-465
*kindness of the grocery bagger
*morning of rest
*unexpected lunch with husband
*swing dancing with my kids
*a substitute for Wynn's class
*Mom's willing to volunteer
*a party that surprises a teacher who doesn't smile often
*3 horses grazing in a random place
*a walk with a friend
*time enough to do just 1 thing
*a massage- birthday gift
*a 2nd showing of our house
*lunch with a friend
*friend's children desiring a heart for God
*a pastor who reaches out to children
*a beautiful sunny day
*remembering that I didn't have carpool until 1 hour later
*a day where time is lost
*a girl who gets her permit on the first try
*strawberry limeade runs with my daughter
*kids and hubby excited about church camp
*house full of laughing teenagers
*a sisters birthday
*waking to the sound of rain
*ache free morning-joy comes in the morning
*hot pancakes
*a little girl afraid of storms sleeping through them at camp
*a 3 year old friend turning 4 and excited we celebrate together
*laughter while shopping
*time for friends to safely gather
*kids who think of others
*small group and learning together
*a fun and learning weekend for small kids and Dad
*family who steps in to help clean
*house showing again
*a new vacuum
*everyone home together


  1. Visiting you via Ann's blog :) And treasuring your list, especially the last one. Our children are grown and they aren't home very often anymore - I am happiest when they are here! Shine with Him this week!

  2. Tuesday now means just a continuation of Multitude Monday for me. Can’t stop reading lists. And so I’m here today from Ann’s.

    First, Amen, “The mundane can be a gift.” It’s a thing I’m learning too. And today my favorite from your list was *family who steps in to help clean (my mom always said if we just cleaned up after ourselves her job would be so much easier – funny how you don’t get that until you’re in charge of the cleaning) {smile}

    God Bless and keep you and yours
    May His face shine upon you…
    and all of yours.

  3. I needed this today. My life can seem so mundane at times, too --- to the point I wonder if there is anything at all worth blogging about. Your reminder today that the mundane can be a gift hit me really hard. When I start supper in a little while, I will be thinking of this and smiling. . . and thanking the Lord for YOU today!!!
