Monday, May 16, 2011


Do you believe in  miracles?
        Do I believe in miracles? I think I've seen some.

We say quickly, it is a miracle we made it to school, church, etc. on time. We see healing in the life of a friend or family member as a miracle. We get money to pay the bill just in the nick of time...a miracle. It is a phrase we throw around when it is convenient for us.

I sat yesterday listening to our youth pastor preach on the 2nd chapter of Acts. He shared how the believers in that small group of people had seen Jesus after the resurrection. When the loud noise happened and the people were seen with the flames and bright lights the others outside felt the small group of people might be "drunk on wine". 

God had intervened here. The miracle wasn't how God changes people, but THAT He changed them at all.

In verses, 17-39 Peter explains his philosophy to explain they've seen the risen Christ. He knows that Jesus death and resurrection changes lives. He knows that change is a MIRACLE.

A miracle occurred in lives of these people. The way they viewed life changed.

We should look for the MIRACLES because Jesus death and resurrection make it all possible. If we believe that Jesus death and resurrection are real, then it will change the way we view the world. The MIRACLES of this life are proof that God is life and light.

God is so much bigger than our "stuff". He is the God of MIRACLES!

As I keep my list of One Thousand Gifts, I look at them differently today. Each gift I list is in itself  a MIRACLE that God chose to show me today.

Lord, please let me stop to take notice of the MIRACLES that you lay before me. I want to be changed!

Counting My Gifts and Miracles...# 735-791
the fact that I'm learning to be flexible
a morning of reflection
clean sheet day
singing birds
recognition of  child for ACT score
family enjoying another baseball win

a day to help others
getting to pour my heart out to women who seem lost
hugs from friends
seeing new life
a child who can drive the other to soccer
getting to go to softball with my husband-like a date
a girl who loves her sport

writing reflective thoughts
a girl excited about her hair cut
family night at home

learning to enjoy yoga
time of Bible study and learning
wise women to help in studying your word
daughters who help with carpool
seeing good friends at the ball fields
being able to encourage friends

time to organize
a gentle rain
the sound of a candle flickering
a relaxing massage
a great conversation with a friend
a rainbow after the rain
shopping with the girls

a hubby who makes the coffee
friends who share rides to soccer
remembering a coat on a cold, May, soccer day
seeing old friends
lunch indoors on a cold day when a picnic had been planned
a husband who makes goals and reaches them
a sister who helps the younger one
an exciting baseball season that the town rallies around
a coach who encourages boys even when they are losing

quiet time on Sunday morning
Seniors who invested in my children
living somewhere long enough to watch kids go from elementary school to senior year
small group
a missionary friend home on a leave and getting to encourage and hug her
a Dad who's son has cancer giving God glory for his blessings
a family who opens their home to ones in need
a time of rest
a husband who listens and responds
kids grateful for their youth leaders
a youth leader with cancer coming to lead on a day that he felt better
my husband's uplifting prayer
a wholesome book that is addictive to read

a son eager to finish his book
morning coffee and conversation with my husband
the last full week of school
refunds that go to improvements
sermons that help you see things in a new way

1 comment:

  1. Hi Salle ~

    You won The WRITE Poll & Contest over at the Creekside Ministries Blog! Please get in touch with me so I can mail your prize!

