Monday, May 2, 2011

Thankful in the storm

I have been working on trying to capture the events of the past several weeks around our town, region and nation. I have spent time being thankful for our safety. I have prayed for those who have lost. I have been grateful for the capture and ending of the life of an evil man. I have ached at the thought of his death does not really bring about peace we so long for.

Last week, I woke with a migraine headache. I took my medicine after Philip and the kids left for school. Normally it begins to let up so that I can live life, but that morning it seemed worse so I got back into bed. It was dark and rainy outside so I slept for a couple of hours. A friend text me that she wanted us to be safe and she would be praying. I groggily text my husband to see if I needed to be concerned. I began to check the weather and in looking out the window, I realized the weather was bad.

The reports were that tornadoes would be in our area all day. I worried so much about our children. I knew that our baby girl would be sitting in the hallway of her school in fear. I also had a feeling that I needed my babies home.  After lunch, I had watched the weather enough and texted Philip enough that I went to the elementary school to get our younger two.  Our oldest was taking a state test so I knew that checking her out would be hard. I just committed to prayer for them.

The second wave of bad weather came through near carpool time so the older girls were stuck in safe places at school. The others of us were in our home safe place and I was praying for safety.

Towns in our area damage and a few towns experienced total devastation. After the storms had passed, we watched television coverage of the path of the storm. We were very blessed. The storm had passed us by, but the loss for others were overwhelming.

I have shared with our children how important our safety is. I shared that even when bad things happen we have to rely on the thing that we know about God. He is faithful. He protects us. He will never leave or forsake us. God is good all the time.

For our safety, I am thankful!

Gifts List # 654-685
seeing excitement on faces of pregnant women
prayer before the day begins at Parkgate
text from Mom who chose life-rejoicing over her choice
son recognition for writing at school board meeting
talking with good friend who encourages  & I encourage her
a massage appointment time

a good walk
a new exercises that makes me feel good
 walking taller
getting more done because I feel good
my Bible study friends
a  "free" night

family night at baseball
a kid who appreciates your support
a sweet girl's birthday and getting to celebrate
beautiful weather for soccer

boys who give their all
time together as a family
puppies and their breath
picnic lunches
ability to buy clothes for kids with my money

confidence of soccer boys
Trippe bravely facing pk & making it
coach recognizing boys character
girls staying home and getting themselves to church
a good afternoon nap
breakfast for dinner
unexpected blessings about a new church service

family night at baseball-cheering for the home team
Philip helping find help from kids
new dinners ideas that all liked

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