Tuesday, December 13, 2011

My Gift

Advent- a coming into place, view, or being-arrival; the coming of Christ into the world.

As we begin the Christmas season, I had spent the Fall studying. My lessons covered the fruits of the Spirit-"Abiding Fruit". As a Mom, Wife, Daughter, Friend, Volunteer, Woman; I need to gain more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, and self-control.

I have felt now for about a year, that God is preparing me for something. The feeling lead me in the Spring to answer a call to a mission trip. My feelings about 9 months later persist. I feel like in my study the view is becoming clearer. I feel, like my Christmas decorations, things are coming into place.

I tried introducing an advent devotional to my family. It is something that I am doing and wanted to share. I want this time to be a family waiting-waiting for our King. I know I can't push my waiting on everyone because it is my waiting. So I read, I study, I wait and I look. He is coming! The message that He is bringing to me will arrive in due time. I wait like a child on Christmas morning for the right time to open the gift.

I plan to view my gift with wide-eyes of excitement.

Lord, let me see your arrival - your gift to me. Let me rejoice in the arrival. Let me live out the calling.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Returning from A Long Bloggy Break....

I have been off discovering myself...
               finding a cure for fibromyalgia.....
                            searching for world peace................
                                         raising multi-millions to end poverty................

Ok, so you don't really buy all that either. I have been on a vacation of sorts. Summer, kids, home, vacation, school starting, being PTO President, volunteering at the local crisis pregnancy center, cross country season, soccer season, friends having babies (I've been to many baby showers for a 40ish year old woman), changing fibro meds (I don't recommend unless guaranteed a cure), oh you name it...I have been about doing it.

For a fibro sufferer, just reading all of that makes me need a nap. I have been living a very busy, busy summer and fall. I fully intended everyday to sit and tell the world-wide-anybody all about it, but I've been too busy living it. (then sleeping in-between).

I have been on a spiritual journey of sorts. I know that this part will flesh itself out in upcoming post. I am doing three things this Fall spiritually that really excite me. One, I am tweeting with a group of ladies who are holding one another accountable in our morning routines. It is nice to know there are other women out there trying to juggle it all and keep their relationship with God first.


Second, I am following several of these ladies in a study of Abiding Fruit. We take a section of scripture and slowly walk through it for the week. I have seen God's word in a new way with very familiar verses. Well, finally, these ladies have led me to challenge number 3...memorizing Romans 8.

 We are changing the "ME" into "HE". We are Hiding His Word in our hearts. I have been walking with Beth Moore and her Siestas through memorizing 24 scriptures in 2011, but memorizing a whole chapter seems to be a challenge for me.

I am so excited to see what God has planned over the next several months through the journey. I planning on sharing it all right here.

Third, I am meeting with local friends who are holding one another accountable. God gives us friends for different seasons. These ladies you would never put together on any other occasion, but God knows what we need. He knows where we need sharpening and who can help us do that.

I plan to get back into the saddle with this bloggy business. Just don't dock my pay if I continue to take breaks-I'm a work in progress.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Family MIssion & A Giveaway!

I am a Christian Educator by trade. (you know in those days before I was blessed to be able to stay home with our children) My husband is a nurse who continued his education as a Nurse Practitioner so that I could come home. The opportunity finally arrived after almost a decade of working, I went to tell our friend and my boss. His response was- "You won't be able to do this long. I expect you to be back in ministry in a couple of years."

At the time, we had 2 children- 13 months apart-I remember telling him that I would be in ministry, but in my home. What God had in store, I had no idea. We now have 4 children, and we are 13 years from that conversation.

With two high school daughters, I stand by the fact that I'm in ministry at home.  Our main goal as a family has been to raise children who love the Lord and share that love with others.

When the kids were little we owned every DVD, cassette, and CD that taught Bible verses and Christian values. I read more books that inspired Godly conversation. I was so determined to teach God's love.

Now those babies are growing, I see them beginning to make their own decisions and choices. I know that foundation is set, but I still think the example of reminding them whose and who they are is important. Around our house I have placed Bible verses, crosses and other things to show them (and others) what we believe.

A regular quote our Pastor uses has been from St. Francis of Assisi- "Preach the gospel everywhere and if necessary use words." Our children have grown up hearing this said weekly in our church. The older girls and I got the opportunity this past spring break to travel with our youth group to Nicaragua. While on the mission trip, we got to live out what we have said was our family theme.

A wonderful way to share our family theme is through the products that DaySpring offers. I have purchased many of the items for gifts, but I also chose to show our mission through these products. This month DaySpring is offering several of items like this one at a discount.

I also am able to offer a giveaway from DaySpring. Please leave a comment below. Also if you follow me on Twitter (@sallieding). You can leave a second comment.

(I am writing this review on the DaySpring product, under my own opinion. I have not been paid by DaySpring for this comment.)

Monday, May 16, 2011


Do you believe in  miracles?
        Do I believe in miracles? I think I've seen some.

We say quickly, it is a miracle we made it to school, church, etc. on time. We see healing in the life of a friend or family member as a miracle. We get money to pay the bill just in the nick of time...a miracle. It is a phrase we throw around when it is convenient for us.

I sat yesterday listening to our youth pastor preach on the 2nd chapter of Acts. He shared how the believers in that small group of people had seen Jesus after the resurrection. When the loud noise happened and the people were seen with the flames and bright lights the others outside felt the small group of people might be "drunk on wine". 

God had intervened here. The miracle wasn't how God changes people, but THAT He changed them at all.

In verses, 17-39 Peter explains his philosophy to explain they've seen the risen Christ. He knows that Jesus death and resurrection changes lives. He knows that change is a MIRACLE.

A miracle occurred in lives of these people. The way they viewed life changed.

We should look for the MIRACLES because Jesus death and resurrection make it all possible. If we believe that Jesus death and resurrection are real, then it will change the way we view the world. The MIRACLES of this life are proof that God is life and light.

God is so much bigger than our "stuff". He is the God of MIRACLES!

As I keep my list of One Thousand Gifts, I look at them differently today. Each gift I list is in itself  a MIRACLE that God chose to show me today.

Lord, please let me stop to take notice of the MIRACLES that you lay before me. I want to be changed!

Counting My Gifts and Miracles...# 735-791
the fact that I'm learning to be flexible
a morning of reflection
clean sheet day
singing birds
recognition of  child for ACT score
family enjoying another baseball win

a day to help others
getting to pour my heart out to women who seem lost
hugs from friends
seeing new life
a child who can drive the other to soccer
getting to go to softball with my husband-like a date
a girl who loves her sport

writing reflective thoughts
a girl excited about her hair cut
family night at home

learning to enjoy yoga
time of Bible study and learning
wise women to help in studying your word
daughters who help with carpool
seeing good friends at the ball fields
being able to encourage friends

time to organize
a gentle rain
the sound of a candle flickering
a relaxing massage
a great conversation with a friend
a rainbow after the rain
shopping with the girls

a hubby who makes the coffee
friends who share rides to soccer
remembering a coat on a cold, May, soccer day
seeing old friends
lunch indoors on a cold day when a picnic had been planned
a husband who makes goals and reaches them
a sister who helps the younger one
an exciting baseball season that the town rallies around
a coach who encourages boys even when they are losing

quiet time on Sunday morning
Seniors who invested in my children
living somewhere long enough to watch kids go from elementary school to senior year
small group
a missionary friend home on a leave and getting to encourage and hug her
a Dad who's son has cancer giving God glory for his blessings
a family who opens their home to ones in need
a time of rest
a husband who listens and responds
kids grateful for their youth leaders
a youth leader with cancer coming to lead on a day that he felt better
my husband's uplifting prayer
a wholesome book that is addictive to read

a son eager to finish his book
morning coffee and conversation with my husband
the last full week of school
refunds that go to improvements
sermons that help you see things in a new way

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Blessings


Coke 10 K

Green Festival

40th Annual Gum Tree Festival


Sweet Tea

Movies- AT HOME

Heating Pad




Cooking Together


Nest Painting

Son Awarded for Writing

Remembering Mother's and Grandmother's

Honoring Mother's

Philip and my Mama

A weekend of FAMILY and LOVE....


Gifts List #686-734
a restful day
a time of reflection
a deer crossing the raod-not at all concerned about me
MK confidence about showchoir tryouts
kids who count down days until summer
Wynn practicing piano without being asked
Sarah's honesty about her feelings

Bible reading that teaches
a morning walk that reminds me it is Spring
baby ducklings
yoga that helps my body heal
help for a family member in need
a warm shower

ducklings swimming with their Mom
music that lifts the soul
time in Bible study with a friend
seeing kids run and build confidence
schedules that work themselves out
a boy's confidence in a sport that isn't his best
girls singing songs that remind me of my high school choir days
a child who makes showchoir-seeing the excitement on her face

getting to bake for a single mom
sending cards to Mom's in my life who need encouragement
time at baseball games with family
seeing Wynn play with a friend who makes her laugh and smile
a talented husband who can and will help decorate cakes

time to walk through green festival
celebrating the boys successful run-58.01
meeting an old friend who I admire
girls who make lunch
a good talk with MK
Wynn's day with her friend
time with Trippe and MK
seeing friends at Gum Tree
sweet tea on a hot day
cool breezes when you are hot
mexican with the family
laughter at dinner
a long journey that leads to a relaxing night at home
early restoring rest

my favorite omlet for breakfast
a slower, quiter morning
thoughtful, hand-made and picked - out cards
a sermon that challenges me to "let-go & let God"
cooking lunch with Philip
the afternoon with my family at Gum Tree
the kids excited to get me a gift of art
Trippe's creative writing being honored
a little girl who wants to go to night church
an after dinner treat
family traditions
family laughter

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thankful in the storm

I have been working on trying to capture the events of the past several weeks around our town, region and nation. I have spent time being thankful for our safety. I have prayed for those who have lost. I have been grateful for the capture and ending of the life of an evil man. I have ached at the thought of his death does not really bring about peace we so long for.

Last week, I woke with a migraine headache. I took my medicine after Philip and the kids left for school. Normally it begins to let up so that I can live life, but that morning it seemed worse so I got back into bed. It was dark and rainy outside so I slept for a couple of hours. A friend text me that she wanted us to be safe and she would be praying. I groggily text my husband to see if I needed to be concerned. I began to check the weather and in looking out the window, I realized the weather was bad.

The reports were that tornadoes would be in our area all day. I worried so much about our children. I knew that our baby girl would be sitting in the hallway of her school in fear. I also had a feeling that I needed my babies home.  After lunch, I had watched the weather enough and texted Philip enough that I went to the elementary school to get our younger two.  Our oldest was taking a state test so I knew that checking her out would be hard. I just committed to prayer for them.

The second wave of bad weather came through near carpool time so the older girls were stuck in safe places at school. The others of us were in our home safe place and I was praying for safety.

Towns in our area damage and a few towns experienced total devastation. After the storms had passed, we watched television coverage of the path of the storm. We were very blessed. The storm had passed us by, but the loss for others were overwhelming.

I have shared with our children how important our safety is. I shared that even when bad things happen we have to rely on the thing that we know about God. He is faithful. He protects us. He will never leave or forsake us. God is good all the time.

For our safety, I am thankful!

Gifts List # 654-685
seeing excitement on faces of pregnant women
prayer before the day begins at Parkgate
text from Mom who chose life-rejoicing over her choice
son recognition for writing at school board meeting
talking with good friend who encourages  & I encourage her
a massage appointment time

a good walk
a new exercises that makes me feel good
 walking taller
getting more done because I feel good
my Bible study friends
a  "free" night

family night at baseball
a kid who appreciates your support
a sweet girl's birthday and getting to celebrate
beautiful weather for soccer

boys who give their all
time together as a family
puppies and their breath
picnic lunches
ability to buy clothes for kids with my money

confidence of soccer boys
Trippe bravely facing pk & making it
coach recognizing boys character
girls staying home and getting themselves to church
a good afternoon nap
breakfast for dinner
unexpected blessings about a new church service

family night at baseball-cheering for the home team
Philip helping find help from kids
new dinners ideas that all liked

Monday, April 25, 2011

Continuing My Count

Our week has been so busy. This time of year seems overwhelming with activity. I stop to write my list so I can continue my count.

Gifts List # 596-653
Sound of wind blowing through the trees
smells of Spring
cool breeze during my walk
air conditioner and radio in van
words that point you to your mission
muscles that work even when they feel they won't

unexpected lunch with Philip
teens who love to go to church with friends
seeing good friend at lunch
a friend seeing prayer for child-the opportunity to intercede

smell of strawberry cake baking
anticipation of a road trip
3 Bible study friends who are honest and open
friends anxious for our visit
secreat surprises for kids
a husband who drive
stopping hald way over night for rest

a lift in rain
medicine that relieves mirgraines
a good outcome for child's surgery-no side effects from anesthesia
weekends/holidays with friends
hearing my 9 year old sing praise songs passionately
a Mom, Dad and baby girl sitting on the porch waiting for our arrival
a baby girl in her Big Sister shirt
the growing belly of the Mama-new life
Good Friday & Communion service at home that reflects the importance of the cross
talk with family about Scripture & tradition-letting them see why
sirens that warn of severe weather
getting back to sleep after hanging out in the bathroom
our safety in the storms all around us

fresh made donuts
breakfast with a sweet baby girl
33rd bday celebrations
laughter of a room full of "family"
gut-laughs of a baby girl
the arrival of an old friend
picnic lunches at "high bridge"
egg games
word games that bring lots of laughter

an Easter worship celebration to remember
seeing joyful faces on baptism video
enjoying lunch with no dishes
Easter pictures that are an annual event
egg hunting fun
seeing how Spring is delayed -leaves and flowers just now budding in KY
a "quick" drive home
home in my chair with my heating pad

seeing my sweet dog happy for our return
a good morning walk seeing Spring everywhere
to know sons tooth problem is a baby tooth that will come out soon
hearing that my "big" 11 year old son still has 12 baby teeth -at least one thing is still baby about him
house showing again-knowing the process will lead to our actual selling
husband grilling tenderloin
seeing a wonderful friend at the ball field
ability to pray for our coach
a good talk with MK about Bible, beliefs, etc.
a wonderful dinner
Philip seeing need to engage in parenting and doing it

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Living the Easter Sunday Life

I had written and signed Easter cards to Mama and some friends. I headed to the post office for mailing. I ran inside to see if they had any pretty stamps for Easter. The man, who I usually joke with, said yes he had some that looked like Easter eggs. I said "sure" I would take them thinking this was my only option. He began sticking "Celebrate" stamps on my notes. Next he blurted out "What is Easter for anyway?"

I live in the "Bible Belt" so for a minute the question caught me off guard. I looked at him and said, "Well, (I felt like I was stammering) it is about Jesus death and resurrection." He began a small tirade (common for him on most topics) about why all the eggs and bunnies and stuff.

I paid and left my mail. The conversation left me pondering. Easter is my favortie time. I love Spring in general... New life, hope born. To me eggs, bunnies, baskets, and fuzzy ducklings, they do help me think about Jesus and His new life given to me.

 How do I communicate that with others? Am I caught up in the commercialism of a holiday? Do people only see the shiny new outfit on the outside, but no "new life" on the inside?
I so hope that my life reflects an Easter Sunday living-new life, new hope and celebration!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week Reflections and a Thankful Heart


















As I reflect today about Holy Week...  palm branches waving, shouts of "Hosana", last supper, betrayal, mockery, lies, rejection, beatings, scars, crosses, innocent blood shed...I write these words above. I am humbled that Jesus, an innocent man took on my sins. He wore them in His crown of thorns, felt them in every beat of the whip, and He stayed there anyway. He did it so that I might have FREEDOM from those sins. A life of HOPE! For these acts- this week- I am most THANKFUL!

Counting my Gifts...# 554- 592
showers that wash me clean & give me reflections of redemption
quiet God time

Seeing new life growing
excitement on parents faces as they see new life
a  child (teen) who sees the value of life even when a parent doesn't
the faith of a couple whose husband lost his job-trusting God to be faithful
faith of a couple to trust God in cancer for  healing

a friend willing to help children in math
60% school days
lunch with Philip and younger children
safe travel for older girls
girls choir receiving good rating in competition
house showing again

Bible study with friends who can be open and real
honesty and healing with friends
time with Sarah to talk
laughter with family

shelter in rain storm
lunch with Leeann
a service project MK loves to work with each year
early to bed
Philip taking kids to swim -memories with Dad
Wynn finally having spend the night company

Trippe winning his race
a sunny, cool day
a friend coming home
shopping with family
Wynn painting of a horse
medicine to stop the cough

good night's sleep
a new dress
a good word brought by Will-pointing me to look deep within
lunch with good friends
chocolate pie
a clean house
breakfast for dinner
laughing until my stomach hurts
 goodnight kisses

a doctor who helps and points you in a right direction
warmed  cherry pits that relieve neck pain
time alone in the word
an instructor gracious to let your child go when it is time to move on
a new chauffer
shrimp, corn and potatoes boiled for dinner

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One of the Hardest Jobs

One of the hardest jobs has been to parent. I worked outside the home for several years. By far this is the toughest and most rewarding job that I've had. I actually spend time and money trying to learn how to be a more effective parent. I look at it, and realize how far short I fail. I look back to days of babies and young children and see where I missed out. I was not the best Mom or the funnest. No excuses, but I think those were some of fibromyalgia's early days in my life. I feel like I was growing in my faith and not quite as prepared as I thought. Are we ever totally prepared?

The most challenging to date has been  parenting teenagers. It  flat out hurts at times. Their words and attitudes cut you so deep. It takes away all you've been trying to accomplish for those 13 plus years.

Sometimes I look up and wonder where I've gone wrong. I realize that parenting good kids (that is what we have) is so HARD.  I can't fathom parenting bad ones.

The only thing that I can say is it draws me to my knees. I am at the foot of the Cross begging constantly for my children.

So I guess, in the land of parenting it can be good to have teenagers-if it draws me closer to Jesus.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Coming Clean

This morning was a little different than my normal. After dropping the kids at school, I had to have fasting blood work drawn. This put my walk with my "walking friend" off about 30 minutes. I called her, post my "donation" to the dr, and told her I was almost to the park. We started our catching up  walk when her hubby called. He had left something at home and needed her to meet him half way with the left item. We turned around and joyfully met him. ( ok it was no sweat off of me because I just had a pile of clothes to wash...my friend on the other hand wasn't so joyful)

After all of the delay we got our walk and talk on again. It was warm today. We are expecting bad weather about lunch time so the wind was blowing so fast which helped with the unbearable heat. Now I know that I was complaining what seemed like just yesterday how cold I was, but it is April for goodness sake. About 45 minutes later, we were done. We had definately gotten our sweat on!

I got in the car, and was thinking through my day. I knew my busy weekend had left me not reading my daily Bible reading. I decided what a better way to spend my time between loads of dirty laundry and catching up on God's word. I got home and changed over the first loads that had washed while I was out. I began to realize how hot and stinky I really was. I felt just dirty. I usually can sit after walking, and read God's word or check in on some blogs, but today I felt plain old DIRTY.

I decided to shower first. I put on some praise music before hopping in the hot shower. As I let the water wash over me I couldn't help, but think about that is what God was wanting to do through His word today . I stood and let the water flow, listened to the song playing, and anticipated the sweet time I would spend with the Lord.

The dirty laundry, my dirty outside, my dirty inside...all would become clean with a mere washing. Praise Jesus for the washing of the blood of the Lamb. I could only thank Him for His redemption in that. I read about Joshua and carrying the ark of covenant through the Jordan River. The placing of the Stones of Rememberance. I place these words today as a rememberance of the Grace the flows down over my life today making me clean...white as snow.

1000 Gifts List # 500- 553
* all the coloring popping out all over town
* situations that lead me to Scripture for answers and hope
* a friend to share real concerns with and not be judged
* dinner with everyone
* sound of kids playing Yatzee
* a husband willing to mop
* a 9 year old proud she cleaned the kitchen
* watching basketball games in bed with my hubby
* days where I don't have morning carpool duty
* news of a community gathering for support of principal and schools
* a friend eager to share burdens
* heat on a hurting body
* joyful notes from a kind-hearted lady
* a cloudless day after a stormy one
* sun shining in the window
* the cool breeze blowing
* praise songs that lift my heart to Christ
* scared girs who chose life for their babies after an ultrasound
* 100's gathering to voice their opinions and  making a difference
* dinner with my husband- a surprise date night
* teenagers who take responsibility
* ducks and egg laying
* freinds who celebrate the passing of their grandmother
* spring decorations- eggs, bunnies, crosses-pointing us to Easter
* sunny days with gentle breezes
* relaxing dinner with friends
* laughter that brings healing to a friend on a sad day
* giggles of little girls
* friends you can be real with
* Bible study with "old" girlfriends
* shun shining on the pond
* restoring walk alone
* seeing teachers who once inspired older girls
* a husband who can comfort a friend whose child broke their nose
* time at the end of a busy day to sit and reflect
* a day to shop
* preparing camping food for excited boys
* look on a greiving friend's face when teen girls show up to honor her grandmother's life
* look on MK's face as she tried on her Easter dress- as she felt pretty- I bought the dress!
* knowning your oldest gets the importance of comforting an adult friend
* conversations with my girls
* Mom and daughter conference-the fact that they all went
* singing worship songs early with my daughters
* hearing God's encouragaing words for a mother
* dinner date with Wynn
* energy to enjoy time with Wynn even when it seemed gone
* hearing God's word through an old friend
* time to rest
* Trippe's team winning-success seen after hard work
* Sarah pouring Jesus into the lives of her friends
* boys having a good camping/soccer weekend
* a friend "getting it"- what God is working in her life
* prayer request from a friend for someone who made an impact in my life-they are family and both have made an impact on me- God's plan is supreme
* Philip being home- I missed talking to him
* text reminder to read James
* new heart for  good lady- answered prayer
* gift of new life given in death

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unplanned Frienship

Last year, my pastor asked for volunteers from a weekly men's leadership group. This wasn't really then men he was asking to help, but their wives. My dear, sweet husband eagerly heard the request and thought maybe I would love to volunteer. The job was mentoring a women in our church. I felt so unqualified. (no don't go telling me about God's gifts,and all that-my husband did already). I quickly told him never to volunteer my name again.

I then began to pray and consult wise counsel. (a woman in another church community that mentors women). I felt so out of touch with this woman. Our connection was we knew one another from childhood. We were raised differently, we lived differently and I just assumed that I would never have a thing in common with her. (not a better than...just a different) Before I even prayed  much about this, this woman called. See that is her personality...Do it! We planned lunch. I prayed and called my wise friend. Both of these were leading me to pursue this relationship. Our lunch came and we enjoyed each other so that we planned another lunch.

It is almost a year and a half later, I should be getting dressed because it is time for lunch with my mentoring friend. See God's plan is so much bigger than we can even realize. My new friend is very different from me, but also we are very much a like. We are both hungering for  a deeper relationship with God. We both long to have families who love Him more. What a blessing!

Our families have even become closer. Her children are younger than ours, but we enjoy one anothers company. They have become like family.  Our Daddy's were best friends; though mine has gone on to Heaven, I realize what God began years ago is still working out in our lives.

I am so grateful for a God who sees beyond my finite mind. A God who knows me better than I know myself. A God who was, who is and who is yet to be! A God who longs to draw us toward Himself through friendship. Thank you, God, for unplanned friendship!

Gifts List # 466-499
*joy of folding/washing clothes for family
*quietness of Mondays
* rain that cancels one activity so less running
*beauty of flowers blooming
*quiet time with God
*girls who seek help and the opportunity to provide it
*kids who voice their opinions
*Godly Principals
*family dinner at home
*new mulch and flowers
*lunch with a new friend who encourages
* opportunity to help kids who need it
*new Bible study with old friends
*opportunity to help my sister
*time with niece and nephew
*a husband who will drive after work to get my niece and nephew
*new tires
*brother-in-law whose heart is OK
*lunch with Wynn and cousins
*opportunity to pour love and Jesus into niece and nephew
*time at the park
*husband who takes kids for fun-indoor swimming
*a day with friends and kids outside
*time for us while Dad is working- that is distracted and busy
*returning niece and nephew safely
* time with kids watching basketball
* sleeping late
*time alone with Philip
*hope in message at church
*kids enjoying time outside with each other
*small group and lessons that make us think and grow
*Drs. who go the extra mile when they don't have to

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Gift of the Mundane

I am a stay-at-home Mom. There are days and seasons where my at home status is non-existent. I've been running in so many directions that home is the last place I am found. Then the season returns to a time where I'm home filling the job of laundry lady, home cleaner, chief financial officer, and executive chef. Some of these task can seem so mundane. I mean...didn't I just wash that, didn't I dust just yesterday and what about sweeping...it never ends. The thankless jobs of a Mom.

On my recent mission trip to Nicaragua I was faced daily with women who were completing the mundane so that I might have comfort. The lady that swept the floor of the hotel. She was always smiling. I got clean sheets and a freshly made bed. My room was straightened. The restaurant where we ate those ladies served with smiles. One night, when the electricity had been out for most of the day, these ladies had prepared our meal in the dark by gas heat. I was hit squarely in the eyes with the fact that I do not participate in my task with a smile many days. The rolling around of clothes washing day comes way too fast for me. I have been known to complain loudly.

On this trip though I see with new eyes. The mundane can be a gift. Something I'm called to do. After all my job is staying home to manage our family so that we can point one another to Christ. Today I will joyfully (while listening to praise music as my reminder) wash, fold and serve.

Thank you Jesus for opening my eyes to new gifts that you give me. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve my family. Thank you for clothes that need cleaning and floors that need sweeping. Help me to continue to look at the everyday (the mundane) as a gift!

Gifts # 430-465
*kindness of the grocery bagger
*morning of rest
*unexpected lunch with husband
*swing dancing with my kids
*a substitute for Wynn's class
*Mom's willing to volunteer
*a party that surprises a teacher who doesn't smile often
*3 horses grazing in a random place
*a walk with a friend
*time enough to do just 1 thing
*a massage- birthday gift
*a 2nd showing of our house
*lunch with a friend
*friend's children desiring a heart for God
*a pastor who reaches out to children
*a beautiful sunny day
*remembering that I didn't have carpool until 1 hour later
*a day where time is lost
*a girl who gets her permit on the first try
*strawberry limeade runs with my daughter
*kids and hubby excited about church camp
*house full of laughing teenagers
*a sisters birthday
*waking to the sound of rain
*ache free morning-joy comes in the morning
*hot pancakes
*a little girl afraid of storms sleeping through them at camp
*a 3 year old friend turning 4 and excited we celebrate together
*laughter while shopping
*time for friends to safely gather
*kids who think of others
*small group and learning together
*a fun and learning weekend for small kids and Dad
*family who steps in to help clean
*house showing again
*a new vacuum
*everyone home together

Friday, March 25, 2011

Life Was Easier When...

It seems like just yesterday that Mary Katherine and Sarah were 1 and 2. I thought life was hard with girls 13 months apart. I'm realizing now 15 years later that it was easier. We celebrated all those years ago each step, word, and accomplishment. Don't get me wrong, we still celebrate, but it seems harder.

Today I took Sarah for her driving permit test. (she passed!)  Mary Katherine has officially been on the road (ALONE) for a month. I said out loud today that this is just hard. They are growing up so fast. I don't really encourage the accomplishments anymore. As a mother, you must know what I mean. I do celebrate my children (all 4), but seriously, a drivers license leads to driving places...driving leads to junior and sophomore years....which leads to dating...graduating...college. See it is so hard to celebrate the accomplishments. They are harder to face.

I remember when they were small and a certain husband (who will remain unnamed to protect his manhood-my favorite part about him), would cry as they reached a milestone. I was the tough one. I announced that it was our job to raise them and send them out. Well, roles are reversing. I'm kicking and screaming with all of this. Stop the train...it is moving too fast. I really do think that life was much easier back when I could place them in the floor and there they stayed until I returned.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Fresh Water

This journey to fresh water began four years ago.  Missionaries from our church Rick and Mary Ervin had just left our church to move to Nicaragua. At age 5 each of our children had been taught through church by Rick and Mary. The year they left  it was time to teach Wynn so she had a heart for them.

Each night at dinner, she began to pray for them ( and still does).  Soon after they had left for Nicaragua, Wynn began to pray for fresh water. Her prayer at dinner was..."Dear Lord, Thank you for today. Thank you for our food. Be with Rick and Mary. And for fresh water." She prayed for what other concerns might come to her.  Each day the prayer for fresh water.

Rick and Mary returned home for a visit. I asked her about the water situation, and she said the water wasn't good unless filtered. I was overwhelmed to think that God had placed a need in her heart for something that others-people that she didn't even know. For goodness sake, this baby was 5.

Fast forward 4 years, our dinner time prayer still consist of ...thanks for the day, the food, blessings on Rick and Mary and for fresh water. Some nights it seems that dinner might get cold based on the needs she has heard about all day (friends who are adopting, or sick, etc).

Back in the Fall, plans for a Spring Break mission trip to Nicaragua began to surface. Mary Katherine and Sarah wanted to go. I had been praying and felt God place this on my heart to go as well. We planned and prayed. The time for our journey approached ....

This week was Spring Break. Mary Katherine, Sarah and I traveled with some of our youth to La Dalia, Nicaragua.  Our job was to work in a rehab facility meeting with the children and women. Our eyes were opened to a whole new world. One that is much different than ours.  This was a journey to fresh water.

The people we encountered do not know about the need for fresh water. They drink, bathe, cook with water that is contaminated. The people we saw in the clinic were treated for diseases from parasites. The bathroom at the rehab was an outhouse.

One night in our group sharing I realized ...fresh water. I had seen what my child had prayed for. I had lived for a week in a place where I made sure I had bottled water for drinking and brushing my teeth. I wrote in my 1000 gifts list ...fresh water. The reality of it all was overwhelming. My journey to this fresh water had begun four years before with a five year old girl whom the Lord speaks to. I am truly grateful for fresh water and the people of Nicaragua.  I am also grateful for a little girl whom the Lord uses to teach me.

Gifts # 296-429 ( a long list)
* sound of gentle rain on the window
* memories of a Grandmother on her birthday
*a morning walk in the cool breeze
* sunshine that overcomes the darkest of days
* a town of dead trees coming to life with white pear blooms
* a daughter's diligent work paying off in her ACT score
* freckled faced boys who still find joy in Nerf guns
* friends who in their grief help ones find healing
* kids laughter first thing in the morning
* seeing tiny arms and legs wiggle on an ultrasound screen
*seeing joy on the face of an expectant mom as she sees her baby for the first time
* sharing in good news with friends
* a gift that will make the birthday boy smile
* the almost 11 year old who still excitedly plans every detail of the party
* news from the doctor that makes you stop and think - realizing God is in charge
* grateful for tears that finally come out
* pink and purple sunset outside my dinnertime window
* little girls who make Philip and I smile
* a wonderful family
* baking with my son who ask lots of questions
* 42 years of life
* Trippe's 11 years of life
* helpful teenagers
* gaining of more time to get it all done
* medication that can correct what bad genes might could do- extension of life
* many well wishes from friends
* lunch with a confident 11 year old birthday boy
* pay day
* extra time to get it all done
* time of renewal
* laughter with friends
* a patient man
* new wisdom about a new culture
* laughter of kids and grandmother
* news of new babies
* friends who help you continue to celebrate birthdays
* friends who share a heart for missions
* a great day to worship
* a fun boys birthday party
* great discussion at small group
* coffee and blankets on cold mornings
* wedding plans for a patient, deserving young lady
* a quiet day at home
* financial commitments to our mission trip
* watching ducks sleep so oddly
* friends who share burdens
* naps of refreshing
* warmth of a blanket
* your word that brings refreshment
*the birth of our Sarah- her joyful 15 years of life
* seeing teen friends laugh and enjoy themselves
* a night free of cooking
* hearing a girl be excited about her plans with her Dad for Spring Break
* a husband who lives life and loves it
* after a big rain seeing nature nurture itself
* quiet time alone with God
* a day to find order and cleanliness
* videos that show my kids a grandfather they never knew
* friends who support and pray for you
* smells of a clean house
* energy to clean and wash
* the right mind to write notes of thanks and encouragement
* teachers who love to help children learn
* the tradition of the birthday banner and cards on the mantel
* Japan placed in the heart of a friend before a natural disaster
* encouragement from a friend about mission talk
* supportive husband who has a heart for missions
* last day of classes before spring break
* the sun and breeze that makes it feel like spring break is beginning
* smell of crisp, new dollar bills
* Philip getting off work early today
* hugs from little girls who will miss their Mama
* quiet time to read and prepare
* suitcases that zip
* girls excited to spend spring break on a mission trip
* getting to wake up and serve
* watching the faces of my girl who have never traveled by airplane
* like-minded mothers
* well wishes of airline workers- "praise Jesus"
* movies on airplanes that remind me of the 2 kids at home
* notes from a  Mother who wants to encourage
* husbands songs on playlist to remind me of us
* tears from a little girl who aches for the country that I'm headed too
* a good nights sleep
* waking up to new sounds of birds and roosters
*a day talking with women who share hurt, pain, struggles and a love for Jesus
* understanding a language I can't speak
* seeing God move in heart of people when I can't understand their words
* helping the sick
* seeing our youth see God in a new way
*seeing beautiful mountains
*songs of praise in any language
* smiles of children who have so little
* delicious meal
* clean water
* Wynn's heart for praying for this country as they need her answers
* seeing Jesus in the faces of the Nicaraguan people
* the children who joyfully greet us each day
* a man who gets relief from a bad tooth
* a doctor/dad who loves Jesus and his kids enough to share them
*rain that would cool us
* time to laugh with kids who otherwise wouldn't interact
* quiet time to pull my thoughts together
* a passionate ending worship
* time to help others in the clinic
* conversation about ministry with Mary
* clean bathrooms and paper at home
* seeing kids get teh purpose of why we were there
* seeing MK and SG making a connection with people
* a bus ride without being sick
* a day of shopping in the market with my girls
* translators who seem to let us ask as many questions as we wanted
*a good talk with a new found friend
* a bed to myself
* girls who follow the rules -respect the leader
* hot shower
* seeing the passion on a college students face about missions
* pizza for dinner
* new friendships with translators
* a home with electricity that works
* the beautiful lush resort
* hot breakfast
* warm sunshine
* safe exit from the area
* electricity that stays on
* laughter with friends
* Rick and Mary's passion
* getting back up the mountain from the waterfall
* making it on a mission trip when my body was so tired
* being home
* my family
* time to rest
* a quick nap
* first day of spring
* a husband who makes life fun for our kids

Monday, February 28, 2011


This year two of our children are in school where many children are just plain hungry. I know that we have a large enrollment in the free and reduced lunch program, but I'm talking about emotional hunger.

My youngest was feeling a little depleted herself. She asked last night when Daddy's lunch hour was. I got the follow-up asking when she realized that he couldn't be her lunch date. I am horrible at thinking of doing this for the kids. I get so caught up in getting things done that I it just never crosses my mind.

Today was different. I stopped the "busy-ness" and grabbed some chicken nuggets (her love language). The smile on her face was huge once she saw me.

Her plan was to eat outside with a friend, but I felt bad for having to leave the 2nd friend out. So we decided to eat inside with the class.

She dove into her bag at lunch. The "hungry" girls begged to sit by me. Each girl had her own question. I realized as one girl interrupted yet again that my daughter was eating her lunch "alone" next to me. This frustrated me as I left (my daughter and I did walk through the book fair together - alone). I realized that my frustration wasn't at the children. I had hugged them, answered questions-told stories. My frustration is with parents-this world. These kids are so hungry. My kids get tucked in at night after a good meal, a bath, family time of some type, but so many kids in our Country go to bed "HUNGRY".

Lord, let us feed your sheep....

My gifts continue...#254-295

*daughter who drives cautiously
*quiet time at home
*a daughter who weighs wise choices and respects others
*lunch with my baby girl
*hugs from school kids that really need them.
*a teacher who is joyful
*green budding forth all over town
*watching people believe in mission of an organization and responding with time and money
*sharing God's message for the night with our kids.
*sharing prayer with friend
*walk that gets heart racing
*warm shower water
*words from women that make you think
*a free cup of my favorite coffee
*children who love the Lord and seek after Him
*a day of rest
*the presence of God with me today
*ability to fold clothes
*cool breezes of Spring
*revelations from God
*a day off from routine
*a husband who prays for me
*a good nights sleep even through a storm
*a day to catch up
*planning birthday parties
*a clean smelling house
*revelations from Your word
*anticipation of a date night
*an honest mother's heart as she aches for her dead son
*conversations that remind me to pray for my children's school more diligently
*Godly friendship and birthday celebrations
*Philip turning on my heating pad before bed
*a day of rest
*an understanding husband
*movie day with baby girl
*a celebration of an announcers long career
*a familiar voice calling the game
*a road win
*family helping when I can't
*relief from pain
*songs of healing (for the heart) after a day of pain
*cool breezes

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Magnolia Cup 2011 Winners- TFC 2000 Blue Boys
This weekend Trippe's soccer team had a tournament in Clinton. They played their league games on Saturday as a part of the tournament. Wynn had a Saturday morning piano competition so the girls and I stayed here. After game 1 Philip called to say Trippe's team had won 5-1 against JFC. He thought they might play well and go farther in the tournament than we had first thought. We jumped in the car and headed for Jackson.

On our way, Philip called back to say they had beat the next team 6-0. We arrived for game 3. Our boys happened to lose that one, but they had played their hearts and bodies out all day. They were just plain worn out. We were entering Sunday as the first place team so our game didn't start until 11:30. We got to sleep in...which is relative with 6 people in one hotel room.

The winning goal!
We played game four against the first team that the boys had played Saturday. We discovered this team to be a little tougher, but we won.  This set the boys up for the championship game. They had not gone this far in a tournament before and they were very excited.

The game began and Gulf Coast scored fairly quickly. Our boys were tired. Half time came and went. About halfway into the 2nd half, our boys scored. The game was tied. We had watched the previous game end so we knew that they were making championship games go to a shoot-out. Our game ended in a tie. We went to the shoot out and it too ended in a tie....the drama. Next up was SUDDEN DEATH! (what an unfair way after a weekend of hard playing) Trippe was first up to kick (feel my stomach sinking-I was immediately sick). The other team went first...the referee lined the ball up...the kicker aimed, shot and missed! Next up, was my BABY. He stepped up, confidently, set the ball, kicked and SCORED! TFC 2000 Blue Boys won the Magnolia Cup!
The humble boy getting his medal

Monday, February 21, 2011


I've begun this journey of gratitude. This exercise of discipline. I am looking for the gifts that God places before me. What do I see? My list tells a story-a journal of God at work in our lives. This act of gratitude is a journey toward a joyful heart. It makes me stop and see the blessing in all things.

I sometime find myself writing the same thing down on several days, but I feel my gratitude toward that thing is growing even more. After a long, cold winter, I truly  find myself grateful for the warm sun shining on me.  Is this what God does? Opens my eyes, and my heart to the simple things.

My study of the 1000 Gifts book has lead me to ask today...What do I want? When Jesus looked at the blind man and asked him this question, the answer was "I want to see." That too is my answer, I want to see more of Jesus in my everyday. I want to slow time and enjoy the simple things that God has put before me. I read today that I have to be disciplined to be thankful for the good so that when I face the hard time I can be grateful for God's presence.  God is good, all the time and He loves me. These are two truths that I cling too!

My gifts list continues to grow....#200-253
*for teachers who love to teach
*for older girls who open up about their day
*Monday's car madness-because kids talk to you
*challenge teachers who love my kids
*a day beautiful enough for Sarah's horse ride
*a barbecue valentines dinner the family likes
*clean sheet day
*6 deer feasting on fields
*a cross in the brittle broken trees
*a long ride & visit with husband
*uninterrupted conversation
*retro music that remembers
*parking passes
*a night with friends
*beauty of ice hanging from the mountainside
*morning snuggles with a sweet baby
*your name from a baby's sweet voice
*morning ride through the backroads
*old girlfriends laughter as stories are told
*the heart of a new father as he waits to receive his adoptive daughter
*time to counsel new moms
*smiles of two new drivers as they pass their driving test
*time with daughters
*quiet time to re-group thoughts
*repairman who are smarter than me
*birds singing as I open windows at the beginning of Spring
*a clean house
*a washing machine that will go through 1 more load
*lots of coupons to clip
*hearing the joy in a friends voice as they share about their new job
*girls mexican night
*a brave little girl in her first piano competititon
*a warm sunny day
*birds singing in the spring morning
*birds soaring across the blue sky
*girls singing loudly and "rocking" the van
*sunshine warmth
*boys soccer that finally makes the finals
*wind blowing
*lunch outside
*kids eat "free" Sunday
*friends who love you enough to help
*birds flying wildly in the blue sky
*freckled faced boys who score the winning goal
*full orange moon to light the night sky
*dog kisses after a night away
*buds on pear trees
*forgetting my Bible-I missed reading!
*a walk of praise
*reconnecting with a friend
*a clerks heart softening after years of prayer
*saving $111 at the grocery store
*medicine that relieves a headache

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Day of Love

Today is Valentine's Day. Philip and I never have made a big deal of this day. Partly because of finances, but mostly because we've both felt that we should celebrate our love all year. My hubby is a sweet romantic of a man at times. I've gotten flowers when I got a new job-when I had a new baby (a large new job)-when he knew I'd had a bad day. I have even been know to receive flowers on Valentine's Day. This day I received my favorite gift....a hand-written note of 10 reasons he loves me. My man really knows me well. I am blessed!

One thing that we have been certain to do since our children were born was take Valentine's Day to celebrate God's love for them. We have left a card or a treat at their spot at the breakfast table. We want the kids to know how much we love them and how much God loves them. Today I gave homemade valentines with a devotion book or book about being who God has called you to be.

We are very thankful that He has blessed us with four children to love!  So...Happy Valentine's Day to my precious husband and four wonderful children....I LOVE YOU!

Today's love list from God to me....

# 154-#199
-how sick kids let you love on them no matter how old they are
-time with one child to share for the day
-coffee to warm the inside when the outside is so cold
-opportunities to share with a child what God just taught me-He shows me so I can show them
-the long eye lashes of a freckled faced, blue-eyed boy
-birthdays for children that just keep celebrating
-doctors who educate
-friends who call to give encouragement
-opportunity for date night
-kids who are honored for their accomplishments
- friends who support your efforts in missions
-time with family-enjoying our common favorite thing
-watching snow fall
-afternoon naps
-60% days at school
-family night at basketball
-seeing extended family
-a home team win
-a careful, wise husband
-a patient husband
-the snow covered ground
-laughter of family
-kids who listen
-clean clothes
-customer service you can communicate with
-women who write words that make you think
-teachers who listen to your child
-new revelations about God's word
-time for home improvements
-a beautiful, sunny day
-pound cake with strawberries
-little girls who get excited about boxes from the attic
-a little girls joyful reminder to praise the Lord
-a warm, sunny day
-a good nights sleep
-prayer shared with friends
-being on the same page with Philip
-watching young friends grow through their struggle
-alarms that wake even if later than expected
-precious notes of love from my husband-who really knows me
-a day to celebrate God's love over our children
-a walk with God's word
-a washing machine that is actually washing
-the smell of a "love" cake baking for after school
-a faithful friend who knows your routine

Monday, February 7, 2011

A Thankful Heart

In my counting of the gifts, I am recognizing that we have a choice in life. We are given this life by God...His gift of grace. He has chosen us to be his "treasured possession" (1 Peter 2:9). So if our Creator God, chose us to live this life then we must choose to live the life He has called us too. I think way too long I have lived life my way according to my plans. Now granted they have been good plans...I'm not some evil mastermind so I thought for so long God would approve of my plan. Wouldn't life be simpler? I would be happy, comfortable and the plan would be easy.

I am arriving to the thought that God's plan is so much better. He wants more for me than I can even imagine. He wants me to live life to its fullest...John 10:10. My prayer this year is that I can begin to live life in Thanksgiving for the many graces that God has given me. I think my gifts list focuses me on my thankful heart...my gratitude toward God.

I need to incorporate my prayer, my spoken words to family and friends, and my life song to this cause...gratitude...thanksgiving...God's abundant life!

My Monday Gift List...#130-153

*gift of energy needed
*opportunity to serve
*gentle sound of rain on the windows
*honest words-even if they sting a bit
*a minute of quite
*gentle hands that ease tension
*laughter of daughters
*the excitement of a birthday girl
*friendships rekindled
*old friends and the gift of prayer
*books that lead me to Eucharisteo
*a day off to renew a kids heart
*conversations about prayer for others
*teachers who point you to Christ
*friends who honestly look in with correction
*time with friends who "get" you
*soft puppies
*kids who honor other kids
*new hair days
*soft snow
*sounds of the fire crackling
*Your word that knocks us over
*kids who enjoy seeing You
*slower days - meant for catching up

The grateful heart continues to open...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Wynn's BIG day!

It is Wynn's 9th Birthday. She has waited so long for this day. Not only does she get to celebrate with friends and family at her party, but she gets to finally get her ears pierced (more on that part later.)!

Wynn had several friends and family for her Cooking Birthday Party. We  made each guest a personalized apron. Wynn's friends were from her class this year, preschool friends, and church friends. The girls gathered, and we had them make a personal pizza. I had pre-made the dough and the girls had toppings to make the pizza just like they liked them. While the pizzas cooked, the girls added fruit a bowl to make a fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapple, cantaloupe, honeydew). They also added different ingredients to make a morning smoothie.  The girls enjoyed their smoothies while Mary Katherine lead them in games. Mary Katherine had different foods in a paper bag, she had the girls blindfolded choose a food then see what they tasted. The next game was letting the girls feed one another either yogurt or apple sauce. The catch was one girl (the eater) had her hands behind her back while the next girl (the feeder) sat behind her. This game was too funny! Trippe was the messiest recipient of apple sauce (which he hates).

The pizza was ready and the the girls enjoyed their pizza and fruit salad. The last thing for the girls to do were to ice their own cupcakes. They enjoyed adding icing and different colored sprinkles. It was finally time for Wynn to open presents. She is so blessed with sweet friends! We enjoyed a great birthday party.

Wynn's big day wasn't over post-party...she was headed to the mall to get her ears pierced. Wynn had called her Nana earlier in the week to join her. Nana had promised to get her ears pierced with Mary Katherine and Sarah ...each time she chickened out. Wynn was successful (and brave) ...she got her ears pierced first then Nana at 63 got her ears pierced for the first time. We were so proud of both girls!

We have two birthdays of our birthday season down with 3 (2 parties) more to go! My how fast they grow and how quickly birthday season passes these days.

Monday, January 31, 2011

My Cup of Joy

I have spent the past several years trying to find answers to questions about my living with chronic pain. I was diagnosed a year ago with what many call an " invisible illness". It is one that no one really sees, but I certainly can feel. At my worst, I hurt from the hairs on my head to the tips of my toes...all at the same time.

It can become a very consuming thing. In that I mean, when a person lives in chronic pain they can only think about that pain. It consumes their mind, their actions, their words, their lives. The people around you can't really see the pain so sometimes the thing that consumes you can really annoy them. This makes it hard to live with the person. I mean how much can one person hear about a pain that no one can see?

While I've spent the past year, learning more and more about my particular illness; I have also searched for what to do to make things better. See there is no known "cure".  I have learned in my time alone at home- in my pain to turn to my GOD. He has been my Comforter and  my Healer. I began by finding music that directed me back to God's word. I would intentionally look for words to repeat back to God so that I knew He was those things to me.

I had considered my relationship with Him a good one. I did all the right things...read, attended, listened, etc. I think that I finally realized though that I had to totally believe everything thing that I read and listened to. I had to follow through and let go so God could be those things to me.

My cup of joy overflows now. I make my gratitude list, I speak His promises back to Him, I sing His praises, I pray. Yes, I still live with a life of pain daily, but I'm discovering that in the midst of it all He is still the cup filler!

Monday is the day I post more gifts in my count to 1000.... #98-129
Exciting adoption news for a friend
Gift of friendship and likeminded parenting
A room rull of praying women
Spiritual leadership of missions director
Blessing of adoption for so many
Morning conversations with Philip
Morning devotions on the way to school
The ease of pain so work can be done
To see my baby smile
The kindness of appreciation for a job
A walk in the crisp air
Strength to get housework done
Someone looking at our house -for sale
A friend with whom I can be open
To see a friend's excitement in answered prayer
To voice of a little one learning to say your name
Warm days
A son's excitement over his sport
A day filled with girls
A family friendly movie
PW roast and mashed potatoes
Watching God at work in the lives of friends
The movie that makes me able to talk to teenagers
Boys faces after a boy birthday
Little girls faces after quality time with her Daddy
Your word that makes me think
Talks about money that aren't as painful-debt freedom!
New babies for friends who thought it impossible
A walk of praise
An answer to prayer
Friends seeing Your grace

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My 1000 Gifts List

I have been reading for a while now a blog by a wonderful writer from Canada. Ann Voskamp writes on the http://www.holyexperience.com/. I must say her writing has drawn me to think about my relationship with Christ in a deeper way.  I will say that it has challenged me at times to think outside my little faith box. I have been blessed, changed and moved by these post. For a while now, Ann has shared her challenge to make a list of 1000 gifts that God has given her. I have read not from the beginning so have awed at the "little" things that she finds shear joy in. I tell you I'm stretched beyond myself may Mondays as I read these post. Recently Ann (see how I use her name like I know her, I've read so much & she opens her heart that you feel like you do know her) has published her book, 1000 Gifts.

 I had anticipated its arrival, and finally a week ago my package came. I was so excited to jump into finding joy through gratitude. I had been writing my list for a week before my book arrive. I just knew that I would read the book in one sitting. I must say that Ann's writings make me think so much that I've had to digest this...you know like you would a good meal. I can't just hurry through. I do not want to miss the message that God is giving me about my gratitude towards Him. Each Monday, I plan to update my list. I began my list making on January 14, 2011. I almost to 100 now so this first post will be long .So I begin my journey to gratitude...my 1000 Gifts.

1. God's word to me.
2. A wonderful family.
3. The smile of a friend's baby
4. A snow day with the family
5. A cup of morning coffee
6. A husband who is growing-spiritually
7. Conversations that make you laugh (on the way to school)
8. The shocking kiss from my 8 year old every morning before she gets out of the car
9. Afternoon piano practice
10. Weekends with my family
11. Slow Saturday mornings
12. Giggle of little girls
13. The growing faith of a Sister
14. A husband who makes the best pancakes
15. Quiet time to read a good book.
16. Sunday lunch with family
17. Quite Sunday afternoons
18. Teenagers who think about serving when I forget
19. Voices of cooperation on school projects
20. Worship music
21. A day at home with the kids
22. Unexpected lunch with family
23. Uncontrolled laughter of an 8 year old girl
24. The playing of piano by a child who loves it.
25. Worshipful music on XM radio
26. Songs that remind me to be grateful for my marriage
27. Kids who could go out with friends for dinner but invite them here instead
28. Time with family and Wii games
29.Kids  who pitch in to clean house for an unexpected showing
30. The unconditional love of a dog
31. Seeing a 13 week old baby move in utero & opening its mouth
32. Joy on a Mom's face as she sees her baby for the first time.
33. A warm blanket on a rainy day
34. A husband who know my needs before they are even spoken
35. Wool socks
36. Good health reports from Mom's Dr checkup
37. Books that help me see God's word a little more clearly.
38. Good report at the Dr.
39. New answers to medical questions
40. The arrival of my 1000 Gifts book
41. Soup in the freezer when cooking seems to be a challenge
42. Quiet time for a Mom's soul
43. Seeing a friend in unexpected places
44. Friends who partner with you in parenting
45. Warm cake
46. Loud laughter from family game night
47. A big hug to push away the negatives of a child's day
48. A gentle morning hug
49. Lunch with a friend
50. The smell of a green apple candle burning
51. A husband who normally carries the clothes basket for my weary arms.
52. Lunch at a place where they know what I like to eat
53.A teachers kind words about your child.
54. Ability to unexpectedly hug a sad friend
55. Energy to buy groceries
56. The sun shining
57. Beautiful sunset -pink, blue, yellow
58. Teenagers going to family movie night
59. Family movie night with friends, their kids and new friends
60. A large full moon to guide us home
61. Hugs from  little girls
62. The excitement of friends leaving to adopt their first child
63. A large group of families showing up at church for movie night- YAY FAMILY!
64. Smell of bacon and pancakes
65. Hubby and little ones (10 & 8) cooking together
66. Slower weekends
67. A little girls invitation to spend the night
68. Seeing a little sister's love for older one through drawing
69. The smile from the oldest when she is with friends
70. Shopping with a child who sees it as a gift.
71. Worship words that direct me to YOU
72.A time of cleaning closets to make room
73. Godly teens who keep you focused on "mission"
74. My husbands passionate direction for our family
75. Your words aptly spoken through Pastor
76. Kind words from a child who's home is broken and turned upside down
77. Weather warmer so kids play outside and laugh
78. 16 years of life in our oldest
79. The smell of balloons-birthday season begins
80. The sun peeking through the rain clouds
81. Reminders of a Dad who is loved and missed greatly
82.God's story unfolding like a map
83. The ability to speak grace and hope to a hurting friend
84. The missing smile returning to a 16 year old
85. Friends from all walks gather to celebrate
86. Sweet baby talk
87. Little hands that discover
88. A time of rest
89. Gentle sounds of rain
90. Smell of yeast rising dough
91. The reminder from a friend of prayer for my health
92. Family dinner with the Rambos
93. A fresh shower
94. Answered prayers for a friend
95. Alone time
96. A warm cup of coffee in hand
97. Sunshine after rain.