Friday, April 5, 2013

Gardening-Is this what I'm doing?

Gardening-Not my strongest suit (but I have been thinking as Philip is ready to plant his 2nd garden). Isn't this what we have been doing the past 18 years. Growing children.

I remember 18 years ago as Philip would ache for the days as MK grew- The little things-a new word, a crawl, a loss of toddler vocabulary for the "BIG" girl word. My sensitive husband might have sweated in his eyes a time or two over these changes, but not me. I was strong. I repeated to him over and over that it was my job to raise them to move out. Well here we are 20 something days left of high school and 30 something to graduation. (I am not the one counting)

I am still not a puddle of tears. As each "last" happens I am ok with it. I will so miss my oldest daughter and her need to ask me questions even though she does not want my opinion. Someone ask me just this week was I sad yet. My answer is the same. I am not sad because I see the excitement in her about what God has for her future.  I am hesitant as I think of all the things (and she tells me a few) we haven't taught her.  I have tried to enjoy every "last". I have watched her try to rush the future and tried to tie her down to the present so she doesn't miss this "last" event. I do not want to stop her from moving on though. I see God at work in her and I am in awe of the woman that she is becoming in Him. He is moving mightily. Does she have it all together-no. Do I-NO!

My gardening had me growing girls just 13 months apart. I know the early days of little sleep, many diapers, and shoes that matched in half size difference were hard. I think though today I am reaching the hardest of all so far. My sweet, strong, independent Sarah has brought me papers to graduate early. (Yes you did the math right-2 moving out within 6 months of each other)

My girl whose voice is sometimes muffled in the noise of a large family spoke up last Summer about the possibility of early graduation. I (like a good Mom) questioned the idea. She like my strong and independent Sarah laid the plan before me -every last detail. I sent her out of the room after picking up my heart and jaw then began to pray.

Well school began in the Fall and the idea reversed. She didn't want to leave early-it seemed the popular thing and neither of my girls follow that crowd. I even found myself begging her to reconsider-I felt God say "Go ahead. Let her graduate early. She would be serving me."  Time has marched on through MK's senior year. Details, deadlines and demands once again have pushed the discussion to the back burner.

Spring Break of 2013 happened and Sarah was renewed in her vision. She attended a mission with our youth to Nicaragua. In the minutes before her bag hit the floor, she was requesting to go this Summer for a month to Nicaragua. We like all parents put on the brakes, listened and investigated. And like our Sweet Sarah she felt God tell her no-continue with her Summer plans of a trip to Honduras.

Well back to this girl walking in my door this week with papers to graduate high school six months early & move to Honduras for a four months to learn Spanish & help in an orphanage. I am blaming the book I find on her floor by her bed at night-Kisses from Katie. (I knew not to let her read it)

Oh but my garden is not that small- see I have two other rows that I am continuing to maintain & weed & tend.

I spent the last six months homeschooling our 11 year old daughter. It has been a blessing. Her spirit needed some time to gain confidence. We have met great new friends & if I got to do this all over again I might just home school them all. (don't tell the other three-the don't like the idea)  Our intent was to home school through May. It is a season for us. She has longed to go into the all sixth grade school here. She has grown up there-me the volunteer, her siblings spending time there, the principal giving her endless amounts of candy. Well it seems that my season of growing this patch in my little garden will end soon. She is a sweet girl (who by her siblings account is spoiled) and has a heart for others.  Ugh to be honest-she would move out too and head to Nicaragua where her heart is for missions there. She prays for this country that she has never met. Oh Lord, please hold off a little while on her calling.

Our one and only son. That tall stalk of corn in our garden. He is growing as fast as a weed and finishing up his 7th grade year. He is growing physically but also as a young man. His experiences in youth, scouts and with school are making him seem so much older. I so remember the little boy that played with dump trucks and loved Veggie Tales. I watch God work in him as he is feeling called to lead in the local public school. He loves FCA, prayer breakfast (2-not for more prayer but more FOOD), and he leads by example.

My Garden is growing. I am a gardener. There are days that I see the weeds, but today I rejoice in the Fruit that God is allowing us to harvest. We are blessed with an abundance. So pray for this little patch of Garden, for these two Gardeners in training & these children who are listening to the Lord.


  1. How have i missed all these years that you have a Blog? This is truly beautiful! I an sure the Master gardener is pleased with you! Praying for you and your DH as you go through this time of sending arrows forth.

    1. Thanks Sweet Friend! You do not know about my blog because one post in six months isn't really blogging. I appreciate your encouragement.

  2. Aw...what an inspiration and a reminder what we are working's encouraging to see as a mother of children older than ours - that you too continually are gardening your "little ones", much different than my "little ones." What we sow today, will reap tomorrow - what a good reminder. Thanks Sallie Belle! You rock!

    1. You are Sweet! You have precious little plants growing & you do a wonderful job raising those sweet babies! Thanks for the encouragement.
