Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Blessing of Service

Twice a month, I volunteer at a local crisis pregnancy center. I meet women with all types of stories from all walks of life. Some stories are heart breaking, then other times we meet women whose stories become miracle stories. I leave there emotionally and physically drained most weeks.

Things that I've learned from my time there have changed my life perspective. I started volunteering the same week that the client services director began her job. Her story and heart can be read in this novel,

http://www.bethelroadpublications.com/cordofthreestrands.htm. I have learned to grow in my prayer life. She enters this facility, and we stop to pray for our clients, our staff, and volunteers.  I had an active prayer life, but her utter dependence was something I desired for myself.

I have been drawn to understanding a culture of women who find themselves in crisis pregnancy. This is not just teens. We see women of all ages, women who are married, single, rich and poor. I want to know their hearts when I meet them-where have they come from and how have they gotten in their place. I pray for these strangers whom I've only met for maybe 30 minutes and may never see again. I pray for these new lives that I view on a television screen.

I have discovered that I must abide with Him before I am truly prepared for my time of service in this place. I can not love these women like Jesus if I don't know His love for myself and my own sin. I hide His word in my heart so that I might share it with these women.

I met a lady just yesterday whose story shook me. I looked her in the eyes and told her that I do not have any way of understanding what she lives through, but I know in my life that I can not walk without Him. She had been raised by adoptive Pastor and his wife. How one earth did she find herself the center of the story that she shared with me? She knows about Jesus, she has walked with Him before...I gave her a Bible, a shared tear and a hug. We saw her baby on the screen. We talked of life in a new community of faith. Today I pray for her. I pray for hope, direction and healing.

Also yesterday, a fellow volunteer, whose heart had ached to be a parent walked in the door with her adoptive baby. One that came by surprise right after the celebration of the birth of our Savior. The joy that overcame this lady. The grace that flowed. I was awed at how perfect this new life brought out of horrible circumstances looked. God's grace was written all over that baby, her story, her new life.

I am so blessed that God shows me life that He wants me to see-broken life, healing life, hopeful life. I am digging in to see more of Him. I hunger to love like He does. To be laid open before Him as I serve the needy women of our area. I am a small part of a big picture that He works through this place, but I am blessed 1 million times over for every second I am there.

Where does God show Himself to you? Are you growing through service this year? Share your story...


  1. I loved reading this! So true and so touching. God is definitely at work. There are many beautiful women like you who give unselfishly!! Thankful to call you my friend!

  2. Thanks Jima! I am blessed by the touch of ya'll in my life. My time throught Parkgate is life changing-my life!
